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Class 108 DMU at Manchester Piccadilly

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On platform 1 in the Manchester Piccadilly of old that looked quite run-down, two days before Christmas on December 23rd 1991, Green liveried Class 108 54247 & 53964 which was being used for services to Marple Rose Hill, was sharing platform space with a Strathclyde Class 101 that was forming a working to Marple, the car just visible was 53160. The ex-Strathclyde orange liveried Class 101's kept their bright livery as it was a close match for the Greater Manchester PTE colours carried by Class 142's 142001-142014 and most of the local bus fleet. Just appearing on the left is 158754 which was then a two-car unit.

Class 108
Manchester Piccadilly
23rd December 1991

Martyn Hilbert
Manchester - Rose Hill Marple (or vice versa)


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