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Class 122 DMU at Tonbridge West Yard

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Western Region Route Learning Saloon set L102 TDB975540 in Tonbridge West Yard being made ready for an empty stock move to London Blackfriars on 12th February 1990. The unit was in use for a number of weeks while Bedford drivers were taught the routes to Orpington and Sevenoaks for the new Thameslink service. It was stabled overnight at Tonbridge for the simple reason Tonbridge traincrews were the only South Eastern Division depot trained on DMU's so did all the route learning trips for the Midland men. 47 603 on no.1 road had arrived with ECS vans 5Y50 09.59 ex Redhill.

Class 122
Tonbridge West Yard
12th February 1990

Adrian Nicholls
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