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Class 107 DMU at Elderslie No.1



Six car Class 107 DMU speeds past Elderslie No.1 Signal Box on 14:00 Glasgow Central - Ayr service from Paisley Gilmour Street. The rear Set has one all blue DMBS car. The Gilmour Street lines are straight behind whilst the Paisley Canal lines veer off to the right, behind the DMUs and Signal Box. Rumoured to be the last surviving GSWR signal, a lower quadrant shunt signal was still extant at Elderslie (see cracking David Christie picture on Railcar). Whilst the rail infrastructure has changed out of all recognition post electrification, a view here is no longer possible - the road overbridge has gone, as have the Millarston high flats in the distance on the left! Saturday 15 November 1980.

Class 107
Elderslie No.1
15th November 1980

alicia hartman
Glasgow - Ayr (or vice versa)


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