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Class 101 DMU at Vic Berrys Scrapyard, Leicester

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2 stripped out Class 101 TCL vehicles are stacked in Vic Berry's yard in Leicester along with a withdrawn Mark 1 Sleeping Car on the 5th June 1988. In the foreground is Class 101 TCL SC59568 in blue / grey livery formerly of Eastfield TMD Glasgow, and latterly the centre vehicle in set 101338, while sitting on top of it is TCL SC59560 in Strathclyde orange / black livery formerly of Ayr MPD and latterly the centre vehicle in set 107440. The last three digits of the sets are visible on the bottom right of the vehicle ends.

Class 101
Vic Berrys Scrapyard, Leicester
5th June 1988

Bob Woolnough


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