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Derby lightweight at Derby C&W Works



An official image (Derby Works negative 54/1070) during construction of the Derby Lightweight vehicles. Taken in late 1954 these are thought to be units destined for West Cumberland.

The bogie in the foreground shows the sand containers for the sanding equipment that was initially fitted to the vehicles, two on the inner face and one on each side in the centre. They would only be used on one axle per bogie, as only one was powered, and sand would be fed to one side of the wheel at a time depending on the direction of travel.

The final drive has an oil change date of 4.11.54 so this was probably taken soon afterwards. It is also marked No.16, and as two were fitted to each one wonders if this would be fitted to the eighth vehicle - M79015?

Derby Lightweight
Derby C&W Works
circa November 1954

British Railways


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