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Met camm lightweight at Birmingham New Street



Sunbeams and a Met-Camm (pjs 1259).

In many ways this is an interesting picture. It shows a scene in the 1950's of a Metro-Cammell unit, obviously very new, standing under the arched roof of the Midland side at Birmingham New Street station while working a British Industries Fair shuttle.

The other point about the picture is that it is a transparency not a negative, Peter used a roll of monochrome reversal film. I have spent a long time looking for the negative before realising what it was, it was used in Peter's talk on the Photo Club circuit about 'A Life in Transport'

Image by Peter Shoesmith late April or early May 1956.

Met-Camm Lightweight
Birmingham New Street
April/May 1956

Geoff Dowling and John Whitehouse Collection
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