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A Class 105 Cravens 2-car diesel unit is seen departing Manningtree bound for Harwich on 24 March 1984. The set number appears to be 48 so the carriages may have been E54470 (leading) and E51291 which were new in 1959 and 1958 respectively. Both of these would be withdrawn a few months after the photo was taken. New signals have been put in place on a tall gantry, in readiness for electrification of the line which was more obviously under way a couple of miles towards London.
Type: Class 105 Vehicle: 54470Visible Set No.: 48 Location: Manningtree Date: 24th March 1984
Photographer: Jeremy Chapter Service: Harwich - Manningtree (or vice versa) Views: 354 View on flickr: (opens in a new window)
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