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Class 108 DMU at Keswick



Keswick station, circa 1970, was a shadow of it's former self, like so many stations shortly to close it is dilapidated and uncared for. To the far right is the water tower from steam days, a sign on the left platform says Subway although there is no reason to cross. In the platform is the lone surviving working, an out and back from Penrith, Keswick was an intermediate station beween Cockermouth and Penrith, which was recommended for closure in the Beeching report. The line closed west of Keswick 18th April 1966 leaving an 18 mile branch to Penrith, and that was closed 4th March 1972.

The left hand building of Kewick station is now looked after and is the start of a popular footpath along the old track bed.

Class 108
circa 1970

Geoff Dowling
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