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Class 115 DMU at Claydon LN&E Junction



Three two coach Class 115/108 units (51679 + 54259 / 51657 + 54224 / 54499 + 51652) are seen here at Claydon LN&E Junction on 10 November 1990 with the second Aylesbury to Milton Keynes shopper specials of 1990. The train had travelled via Quainton Road and Calvert and was about to pass Claydon Loop on the way to Bletchley and its destination. The signal on the extreme right shows where the line from Bicester enters the loop which at this time was used by such trains as Whatley to Wolverton stone, the Bath and Bristol to Calvert household rubbish containers and the much-missed Akeman Street fertiliser vans.

Class 115
Claydon LN&E Junction
10th November 1990

Peter Tandy

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