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A four-car and two-car Met-Camm DMU near Darlington circa 1970. Walter Burt.
A four-car DMU Met-Camm near Darlington with Leeds on the destination blind, circa 1963/4. The third vehicle is a buffet car, all the buffets were allocated to South Gosforth during the yellow panel era. The rear car is a DMBS, the closest car - which has some bodyside damage just past the roundel and a shedplate on the solebar - seems to be E51508 or E51509. Stuart Mackay Collection.
The notes with this negative stated near Darlington, 1964. It shows an eight-car formation, Leeds on the destination blind. At the front is a four-car Met-Camm, with NE prefixes to the vehicle numbers, and the second vehicle has BUFFET on the side. The profile of the rear vehicles suggests they were built by Cravens. Stuart Mackay Collection.
A four-car Met-Camm with buffet car (third vehicle), with the rear power car removed, and a two-car added. Seen near Darlington on a Newcastle service sometime in 1964. Stuart Mackay Collection.
This negative was recorded as near Darlington in 1964. It shows a Leeds bound Met-Camm formation, the second vehicle being a buffet car. Stuart Mackay Collection.
Vehicle: 50267
A four-car Met-Camm on a Newcastle service near Darlington in 1964. The closest car seems to be E50267. Stuart Mackay Collection.
A four-car Met-Camm DMU seen "near Darlington" with a Newcastle service in 1964. Stuart Mackay Collection.
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near Darlington