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DMU Bogies

Wheels and Axles

An advert for railcar wheelsets

Each bogie would have two wheelsets — a wheelset comprised an axle and two wheels.


All DMU wheels were 36" diameter, and had renewable tyres. In the Steel, Peech and Tozer advert the axle closest has the tyre shown on the left, and a wheel without a tyre on the right.


There were three distinct types of axles:

  1. those that would accomodate a final drive
  2. those that would accomodate a pulley to drive a generator
  3. plain axles
Drawing of Power axle Drawing of axle for pulley Drawing of plain axle Cover of Axle Diagrams booklet

These diagrams show examples of each of the three types, there were many variations of each depending on the type of vehicle it was fitted to. The diagrams are taken from the booklet "Axle diagrams, DMU Stock", it shows that 29 different axles were in use on DMUs in 1984.

Download a PDF file of the Axle Diagrams booklet (4.7mb).