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Control And Utilisation of Diesel Multiple Units (ScR 1966)

In June 1966 the Scottish Region added set numbers to the DMUs operating in the South Glasgow Area (Hamilton, Ayr and Corkerhill allocations) as a means of improving punctuality, servicing/maintenance, cleaning and fuelling.

June 1966 set numbers June 1966 set nos.

The scheme was extended to include the units operating into the Glasgow North area in November 1966, adding set numbers to the units allocated to Leith, Dundee and Kittybrewster.

November 1966 set numbers November 1966 set nos.
DMU set 217

Carrying set number 217, a Metro Cammell unit is seen with an Edinburgh to Thornton Jct service in June 1969. John McIntyre.

The set numbers issued to the units were:

11 - 20 Corkerhill GRC&W twins (100s)
21 - 29 Hamilton GRC&W twins (100s)
30 - 42 Hamilton Met-Camm twins (101s)
43 - 54 Hamilton Craven twins (105s)
56 - 60 Kittybrewster Craven twins (105s)
61 - 64 Dundee Craven twins (105s)
65 - 74 Dundee Met-Camm twins (101s)
75 - 86 Leith GRC&W twins (100s)
87 - 93 Leith Met-Camm twins (101s)
94 - 95 Leith Derby twins (108s)
96 Leith Craven twin (105)
97 - 98 Leith Yellow Diamond twins (Derby Lightweights)
101 - 116 Hamilton Met-Camm triples (101s)
117 - 133 Corkerhill Derby Triples (107s)
134 - 142 Hamilton Derby Triples (107s)
143 - 144 Ayr Derby Triples (107s)
145 Hamilton Swindon Cross Country (120)
151 - 173 Ayr Swindon Inter-City (126s)
201 - 205 Kittybrewster Swindon Cross Country (120s)
206 - 218 Dundee Met-Camm triples (101s)
219 - 222 Leith Derby triples (108s)
223 - 233 Leith Met-Camm triples (101s)
234 - 237 Leith Yellow Diamond triples (Derby Lightweights)
238 - 240 Leith High Density triples (116s)
601 - 609 Leith Swindon Inter-City six-car (79xxx)

The documents are courtesy of the A.A.McLean Collection.