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Vehicle: 977052
977052 (M56145), 54491, 59656, 51674 Bletchley TMD 2-3-91. Kevin Dowd.
Vehicle: 51518
The trial refurbishment set 51518 (closest) / 59545 / 51451 at Bletchley. Undated. Photo by K.J.C. Jackson. Ian McDonald Collection.
Vehicle: 51518
51518, part of the trial refurbishment set, at Bletchley, undated. Photo by K.J.C. Jackson. Ian McDonald Collection.
Vehicle: 51518
51518 was part of the trial refurbishment set, and this shows one of a the PTE logos that was introduced around the time. Seen at Bletchley, undated. Photo by K.J.C. Jackson. Ian McDonald Collection.
Vehicle: 51863
Class 115 51863 at Bletchley Depot, 26th September 1987. Shayne Lewis.
Vehicle: 51895
M51895 stabled at Bletchley on 26th September 1987. Shayne Lewis.
Vehicle: 51914
Inside the shed at Bletchley on 26/9/87 were Class 108 vehicles 51914 & 54279, and Class 127 Parcels set 910. Shayne Lewis.
Vehicle: 55029
Four bubbles at Bletchley on the 1st May 1999. From left to right: 977723, 55031, 55027 & 55029. Note the number on Silverlink 55027 is missing the final two digits. Ian McDonald.
Class 115s seen stabled at Bletchley on 13/3/77. Ian McDonald.
Vehicle: 55027 Set: 121027
Taken on 121027's first outing in passenger service in Silverlink colours. It was paired with 121031 all day, and seen here at Bletchley. Lee Ellershaw.
Vehicle: 55027 Set: 121027
Taken on 121027's first outing in passenger service in Silverlink colours, when it was paired with 121031 all day, and seen here at Bletchley. Lee Ellershaw.
Vehicle: 55031 Set: 121031
55031 worked all day on 55027's first outing on passenger use in Silverlink colours, and the pair are seen here at Bletchley. Lee Ellershaw.
Vehicle: 55966 Set: 920
Retro-green Class 127 parcels vehicle 55966 at Bletchley in 1987. Graham Baker.
Vehicle: 55967 Set: 920
Parcels vehicle 55967 sits in the sun at Bletchley in 1987. Graham Baker.
Vehicle: 55966 Set: 920
The drivers controls of a Class 127. This was 55966 at Bletchley in 1987. Graham Baker.
Vehicle: 55966 Set: 920
The plaque fitted to 55966 (ex-51591) celebrating it's high mileage - an average of 52,000 miles a year, a thousand miles a week! Graham Baker.
Vehicle: 977723 Set: 121021
The DMU roads at Bletchley contain route learner 977723 (121 021) in Railtrack colours and 117 724 amongst many others in the 1999 view. Graham Baker.
Vehicle: 977693
Lab 19 - Iris II - (977693 and 977694) and two Railtrack liveried sandite bubbles sitting on Bletchley tank road circa 1996. Graham Baker.
Vehicle: 55031 Set: 121031
55031 "Leslie Crabbe" in number 4 road at Bletchley circa 1999, with 55029 on its left. Graham Baker.
Vehicle: 55027
55027 "Bletchley TMD" at Bletchley in the late '90s, with NSE liveried 55031. Graham Baker.
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