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Set: 70
Class 105 set 70 at Mount Bures on 12/8/84. David Underwood.
The guard walks back to his van at Bures station on the Marks Tey - Sudbury branch in February 1970. His train was a Class 101 DTC in plain blue and Class 100 DMBS in green. Steve Davies Collection.
The guard waits for the photographer (John Vaughan) to take his shot at Bures station on the Marks Tey - Sudbury branch in February 1970. The train was a Class 101 DTC in plain blue and Class 100 DMBS in green. Steve Davies Collection.
Vehicle: 53751
Class 101 DMSL 53751 at Mount Bures on the Sudbury branch and this is thought to be one of the 'Stour Valley Steamer' shuttles on 29 December 1991. Stuart Mackay Collection.
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