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Vehicle: 52013 Set: 428
The 1981 BLS Scottish Tour was the Ayrshire Wanderer which ran in two parts. The Saturday tour (on 29 August) started and finished at Glasgow Central and here we are at Killoch Colliery. It was formed of Class 107 set 428 (52013 + 59786 + 51988). Alistair Ness.
Vehicle: 51043 Set: 126413
Class 126 Killoch 9 Oct 1982. The 'Ayrshire Wanderer' railtour was organised by the Swindon Preservation Society and used the same name as the previous year's BLS tour doing exactly what it said on the headboard. The class also remained in service for a bit longer than planned after the tour which had meant to see them being withdrawn from service the following day. Here we see the train at Killoch Colliery, it was formed 51043/59404/51026 + 51017/59411/51036. Alistair Ness.
Vehicle: 51043 Set: 126413
The SPS Ayrshire Wanderer railtour during the Killoch Colliery stop on 9 October 1982. The vehicles are 51043 + 59404 + 51026 / 51017 + 59411 + 51036. John Horne.
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