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14th June 1969

A Met-Camm (arrived from Yarmouth South Town) and a Cravens (arrived from Norwich Thorpe) are seen at Lowestoft Central on June 14th 1969. Note 'LW' on the Cravens Blue Square coupling code, which is distinctly lighter than what's on the 101, possibly a 'white square?' Steve Davies Collection.


14th June 1969

A 2-car Met-Camm at Lowestoft Central after arriving from Yarmouth South Town on June 14th 1969. Steve Davies Collection.


Unknown Date

Vehicle: 54343   Set: 65

Class 101 Driving Trailer 54343 of set 65 (presumably with 51189) at Lowestoft. This unit became part of 101660 in 1993. Note the one up one down brake-pipe layout, which denotes an original LMR allocated car. Mac Winfield.


circa 1971

Set: 57

Class 100 set 57 at Lowestoft circa 1971. John Law.


Unknown Date

Set: 49

A Class 105 DMU at Lowestoft, c.1981, heading for Ipswich. Class 101 DMC E50235 is on the left. Graeme Phillips Collection.



Vehicle: 50235   Set: 98

Class 101 set 98 in Lowestoft station in 1983. Graeme Phillips Collection.


circa 1971

Set: 63

Cravens set number 63 sits in Lowestoft station circa 1971. John Law.


23rd October 1985

Vehicle: 51215   

A Class 101 Metro-Cammell unit, led by 51215, leaves Lowestoft for Norwich on October 23, 1985. Mike Dean.


21st August 1985

Vehicle: 54089   Set: 89

Norwich allocated class 101 Metro-Cammell dmu set 89, made up of cars E54089 & E51229 waits at Lowestoft with a Norwich service, still showing a sign literally of its day's as a Tyneside allocated unit. 21st August 1985. Andrew J Crowther.


21st August 1985

Vehicle: 54416   

My dad and my uncle Norman pose for the camera as they are about to board this Norwich allocated Cravens class 105 dmu E54416 with a Lowestoft - Norwich service. 21st August 1985. Andrew J Crowther.


29th June 1991

Set: 107

Three-car Class 101 set 107 in Lowestoft station on June 29th, 1991. 54A South Dock.


29th June 1991

Vehicle: 53198   Set: 101652

101 652 (53198 + 54346) runs into Lowestoft station on the 29th June 1991. 54A South Dock.


August 1979

Set: 41

Cravens set number 41 at Lowestoft in August 1979. Ian Buck.


12th June 1985

Set: 102

A brace of class 101s at Lowestoft on 12th June 1985, set 102 left with 94 on the right. Ian Buck.


7th July 1992

Vehicle: 54408   Set: 101654

101654 (54408 + 51800) at Lowestoft after terminating with the 07:45 service from Norwich on July, 7, 1992. Stuart Mackay Collection.


18th August 1983

Set: 54

Bufferstop scene at a tidy looking Lowestoft station on 18th August 1983. 31229 has arrived with the daily freight from Norwich, while the Cravens dmu, E51279 + E56440 (set 54) is awaiting departure as the 13.06 to Norwich. Gerard Fletcher.


18th August 1983

Vehicle: 51272   Set: 42

Before the introduction of the RETB signalling on the East Suffolk line, a pair of Cravens Class 105 units leave a smokescreen over Lowestoft as they depart on the 12.55 to Ipswich on Thursday August 18th 1983. Set 42 has E51272 & E56443 leading with set 46 E56434 + E51273 trailing. Both units were reallocated to Norwich from Finsbury Park in February 1978. Gerard Fletcher.


22nd October 1985

A Class 101 on the 12:20 Lowestoft - Norwich awaits time at Lowestoft (at 12:18) on Tuesday 22nd October 1985. Colin Brooks.


22nd October 1985

A Met-Camm waits to depart from Lowestoft with the 12:20 Lowesfoft - Norwich on Tuesday 22rd October 1985. Colin Brooks.


22nd October 1985

A Class 101 departs Lowestoft on the 12:20 Lowestoft - Norwich, Tuesday 22nd October 1985. Colin Brooks.

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