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Vehicle: 50794
The Rossendale Farewell railtour seen at Bury Bolton Street, formed of M50794 (105 DMC), M59207 (104 TS), M50761 (105 DMBS) and M50453 (104 DMBS), M59161 (104 TC), M50505 (104 DMC). 14/2/81. Andy Pullar.
A Class 104 sits at Bolton. Undated. Ian Francis.
Vehicle: 50815 Set: NH135
Class 105 set NH135, believed to be DMCL M50815 closest, with DMBS M50782, taken at Bury Bolton St on the last day of services on the Rossendale line before it closed - 3/6/1972. This set had been a regular on the line during the final week. Robert Chilton.
Vehicle: 51800 Set: 101654
With 51800 nearest, 101 654 (with 54408) sits at Bolton on the 11:00 Southport - Chester on the 8th January 1994. Gazza Prescott.
Vehicle: 51189 Set: 101660
101660 (51189 + 54343) and 101688 (51431 + 51501) on the 11:18 Stockport - Heysham, seen at Bolton on 10/7/93. Gazza Prescott.
Vehicle: 51179 Set: 101677
101677 (51179 + 51496) and 101661 on the 12:43 Heysham - Stockport, seen at Bolton on 13/9/93. Gazza Prescott.
Vehicle: 51177 Set: 101683
101683 (51177 + 53269) at Bolton on the 11:37 Rochdale - Blackburn, 8/1/94. Gazza Prescott.
Vehicle: 53494 Set: N673
53494 with DMBS 53468 as set N673, at Bolton 23/6/88. Gazza Prescott.
This GRC&W parcels car has what appears to be a 6-wheel vehicle attached when seen at Bolton on the 9th March 1976. Tim Stubbs.
Vehicle: 977903 Set: 960995
Sandite / route learner set 960 995 (977903 / 977904) at Bolton on 28 May 1994. 977903 still carries set number 88 from its Norwich days as 53208. S Gaskell.
Vehicle: 977903 Set: 960995
Sandite / route learner vehicle 977903 at Bolton on 28 May 1994. S Gaskell.
Vehicle: 977904 Set: 960995
977904 (a sandite / route learner vehicle) at Bolton on 28 May 1994. It is paired with 977903 as set 960 995. S Gaskell.
A Class 104 at Bolton in August 1983 seen working a service from Blackburn - Manchester Victoria. Graeme Phillips Collection.
Vehicle: 53436
Passing the semaphores on the approach to Bolton station is a Newton Heath allocated class 104 BRC&W dmu - M53436 + M53496 - on a Manchester Victoria-Blackburn local service, 23rd February 1985. Andrew J Crowther.
Passing the semaphores along with Bolton East Junc signal box is a Newton Heath allocated class 120 Swindon Cross Country dmu, which has just left Bolton station with a Blackpool North-Manchester Victoria service, 23rd February 1985 Andrew J Crowther.
Set: 319
Class 116 set 319 at Olton with the 1.00pm Stratford-upon-Avon to Birmingham Snow Hill service on January 13, 1964. The first two vehicles are lined but the DMBS at the rear appears to be unlined. Michael Mensing.
Vehicle: 51505 Set: 101682
At Bolton having come from Southport 101682 (51505 & 53256) on 5th September 1995. Ian Buck.
Vehicle: 53256 Set: 101682
At Bolton on 5th September 1995 101682 (53256 & 51505. Ian Buck.
Set: 301
In January 1964 Derby triples set number 301 runs wrong line into Olton station. It carries unlined green livery. Michael Mensing.
An eight-car Western Region Blue Pullman unit is seen between Olton and Solihull in June 1963. Note the suburban set in the distance. Michael Mensing.
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