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977858 passing through Amersham, returning to Aylesbury, on the 4th December 2001. Colin Cooke.
977858 stabled at Aylesbury. Undated. Robert Frise Collection.
977723 (left) faces 977858 (right) at Aylesbury, 21/4/03. Colin Cooke.
977858 stabled at Aylesbury on the 25th August 2003. Robert Frise.
With the set number carried in the center cab window, 977858 is seen at Derby on the 6th March 2004. Graham Turner.
Railtrack Bubble Car 977858 at March on 24/03/2004. Waddo Rail.
977858 sits inside Aylesbury depot on July 12, 2004, ready to undergo some bodywork repairs and a repaint. Stuart Mackay.
977858 inside Aylesbury depot on 12/7/2004. Stuart Mackay.
977858 inside Aylesbury depot on 12/07/04. Stuart Mackay.
977858 inside Aylesbury depot on 12/07/04. Stuart Mackay.
977858 inside Aylesbury depot on 12/07/01. Stuart Mackay.
The data panel on 977858 (taken inside Aylesbury depot on 12/07/04). Interesting that it is classified as a DMS (despite having a brake compartment), even the 'S' in the DMS is intriguing as it shows zero seats! Stuart Mackay.
A close-up of the number and 'Duck' depot sticker on 977858 inside Aylesbury depot on 12/07/04. Stuart Mackay.
Details for modellers, 977858 inside Aylesbury depot on 12/07/04. The bottom of the 4" high numbers were 15" from the lower body edge, the six digits covered a width of 20". The lining (1/2" yellow, 7/8" black, 1/2" yellow was 27" from the lower body edge and 4 7/8" from the window frame. Stuart Mackay.
A close-up of the Railtrack lettering on the side of 977858, taken in Aylesbury depot on 12/07/04. Stuart Mackay.
Details for modellers, 977858 inside Aylesbury depot on 12/07/04. The Railtrack lettering was 11 3/4" high and 86 1/2" wide. At the top there was a gap of 4 1/2" between it and the lining, the bottom of the lettering was 10 1/2" above the lower body edge. Stuart Mackay.
A close-up of the "Clearing The Way" lettering on 977858 inside Aylesbury depot on 12/07/04. Stuart Mackay.
Details for modellers, 977858 inside Aylesbury depot on 12/07/04. A close-up of part of the "Clearing The Way" lettering. Stuart Mackay.
Details for modellers, 977858 inside Aylesbury depot on 12/07/04. A close-up of the coaching crest roundel. Stuart Mackay.
977858 in Aylesbury depot during its 2004 repaint on July 13th. The Railtrack vinyls have been removed, areas of rust investigated and some metal patching done as required. Stuart Mackay.