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A Class 128 on Newton Heath Depot on 15 June 1974, thought to be M55989. Class 108 M56256 is on the left. Alistair Ness.
A Class 128 DMU on Newton Heath Depot on 15 June 1974. Alistair Ness.
Class 128 M55994 Chester 29 July 1974. Alistair Ness.
Class 128 Diesel Parcel Units M55994 and M55995 sit on the bridge over the River Severn at Shrewsbury station, 25th August 1974. Paul James.
Class 128 Diesel Parcel Units, M55994 stands on the old platform 3 at Shrewsbury station. 25th August 1974. Paul James.
A Parcels DMU (thought to be M55995) leaving a very busy Chester Depot as the 4D03 sometime in the 70's. The original slide was taken by the late J Feild of Chester and was acquired from his family. The KDH Archive.
A Class 128 DPU attached to a Class 101 at Chester. Undated. Peter Heppenstall.
Gloucester RC & W Co. Motor Parcels Van (Class 128) No.W55991, with split headcodes and gangways in BR Rail Blue livery and all yellow ends, coupled to a GUV van and BR (Derby) Class 130 parcels railcar No.W50862 passing Ealing, 02/75. Hugh Llewelyn.
Class 128s at Chester station 22 March 1975. I have a choice of three from my log book that day. These should be two from M55993, M55994 or M55995. I also wish I'd composed the shot better and got the whole of the signals in. Oh well I can always go back another day... Update: closest vehicle now identified as M55995 and M55994. Alistair Ness.
Class 128s at Chester station 22 March 1975. I have a choice of three from my log book that day. These should be two from M55993, M55994 or M55995. Update: thought to be 55994 and 55995. Alistair Ness.
Class 128 DMPV M55995 at Bersham (near Wrexham) on 11 July 1975. Stuart Mackay Collection.
Parcels car 55991 works one of its frequent journeys into Paddington passing Ealing Broadway on 20th August 1975. On the rear seems to be a 116, so the GUV will be one of the through wired ex-Railair vehicles. Ian Buck.
Class 128 parcel unit attached to a Class 119 waiting to depart from Chester for Wolverhampton on 8th February 1976, not sure if 4V08 was the correct reporting code. The KDH Archive.
This GRC&W parcels car has what appears to be a 6-wheel vehicle attached when seen at Bolton on the 9th March 1976. Tim Stubbs.
A parcel formation passes Ealing in May 1976. On the rear (closest) is W55991, then a GUV, W50862 leading carrying set number L341. Hugh Llewelyn.
A pair of 128s, W55994 leading, stand at Shrewsbury station on 26 June 1976. Kevin Lane.
A pair of unidentified Class 128s is seen in the company of Class 25 no. 25106 at Chester in July 1976. Graeme Phillips Collection.
Gloucester RC&W DMPV (or MPMV as noted on the vehicle) M55990 is seen in the centre road at Shrewsbury. No date, but probably while the vehicle was allocated to Chester between the end of 1968 and October 1971. Graham Clark.
Two GRC&W parcel DMUs with a BG in tow, seen in Shrewsbury station, circa early 1970s. Graham Clark.
One of the Western Region hybrid 128/130 sets (number 345) formed of W55992 and either 50819 or 50862, with two 'Fruit D' vans in tow. This appears to be Slough, date unknown. Graham Clark.