« ‹ Page 1588 of 1604, displaying 31741-31760 of 32071 images › »
53158 awaits it's time in the firing tunnel at Mayer Parrys, Snailwell 2-3-91. Kevin Dowd.
03020 + 52063 in front of the firing tunnel, Mayer Parrys, Snailwell 2-3-91. Kevin Dowd.
03020 + 52063 Mayer Parrys, Snailwell 2-3-91. Kevin Dowd.
53063's bogies Mayer Parrys, Snailwell 2-3-91. Kevin Dowd.
52063 waits for 03 020 to push it into the Firing tunnel. Mayer Parrys, Snailwell 2-3-91. Kevin Dowd.
M53355 Vic Berrys, Leicester. Unsuccessful attempts were made to save N699. 11-11-90. Kevin Dowd.
M53355 Vic Berrys, Leicester 11-11-90. Kevin Dowd.
M53812, M53500, M53518 and 33015 at Vic Berrys, Leicester 11-11-90. Kevin Dowd.
At Castleton station on 27th May 1964 46439 prepares to moves a BRC&W (Class 110) unit to the station yard. The six-car 5.35pm Victoria - Halifax working had caught fire in the station. Richard Greenwood.
The firemen are on the platform having attended a fire on the a BRC&W (Class 110) unit at Castleton while working the 5.35pm Victoria - Halifax on 27th May 1964. Note that closest vehicle - the partially seen DMBS - is a Cravens. This was a Newton Heath allocated set. Richard Greenwood.
55031 at Paddington, 17th June 1991. Mike Cooper.
55033 running past at Blackwell, 15/4/91. Mike Cooper.
55033 seen approaching at Blackwell, 15/4/91. Mike Cooper.
55033 on Lickey incline, 15th April 1991. Mike Cooper.
55033 on Lickey incline, 15th April 1991. Mike Cooper.
55033 on Lickey incline, 15th April 1991. Mike Cooper.
T328 leaving Worcester, 18/5/90, presumably formed 53132 + 59670 + 53073. Mike Cooper.
T328 awaiting departure from Worcester, 18/5/90. The DMBS is 53073, presumably with 59760 + 53132. Mike Cooper.
T328 arriving at Worcester on 18/5/90, presumably formed 53132 + 59670 + 53073. Mike Cooper.
The hybrid L210 (Class 116 53083 / Class 101 DTC presumably 54381) is seen at Oxford on 16-4-91. Mike Cooper.
« ‹ Page 1588 of 1604 pages, displaying 31741-31760 of 32071 results › »
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