The scheme was agreed in principle. Mr.Adkinson said the additional train movement necessitated by the revised layout of the shed and sidings was acceptable to the Motive Power Superintendent in view of the decreased cost of £15,000.
The Chairman requested that, in the completion of the financial statement, regard must be paid to the fact that this shed will ultimately be used for electric stock.
The Chairman request that the cost of this scheme for additional sidings and amenities required irrespective of the diesel scheme should be segregated from the cost to be incurred in connection with the servicing of the diesel units.
It was noted it is intended that this depot should cover the heavy maintenance for the whole of the diesel units in the Central Division, and the Chairman requested that this should be made clear in the submission of the departments concerned.
Delivery of unit expected in November 1956. Nothing further to report.
Preliminary report agreed in principle on the basis that passenger services on this line would be found necessary for retention. Anticipated increase in revenue of £25,000. Final report, together with financial statement, to be submitted as a matter of urgency. Mr.Read will look into possible alternative for parcels traffic with which the diesel units might not be able to deal.