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Battery Multiple Unit - Derby 2-car BMU

Non-Passenger Use

The unit was taken on by the Railway Technical Centre at Derby in 1967. The cars were renumbered RDB 975003/4 and painted into blue livery, and the set became Laboratory Vehicle 16.

Red and Blue train with end painted yellow in sidings

It later acquired the name Gemini, in the Centre's cryptic style, and the Departmental red/blue livery. It was used for "BRATO", - British Rail Automatic Train Operation tests, nicknames the 'wiggly wire' system, using track/train-mounted equipment. It was usually based at Mickleover and operated on the Mickleover - Eggington Junction test line.

Details of the BRATO testing can be found on the Old Dalby website.

The image shows 975004 and 975003 stabled at the RTC during an open day on 21/7/79. Chris Lings.

It was declared redundant early in 1984 and put up for sale, finding its way into preservation.

Details about the unit in preservation can be found here.

The following publications were consulted in the preparation of this article:
Railway Gazette; 25 Years of Research - C. Marsden; British Railways Scottish Region Staff Magazine; Scottish Urban & Rural Branch Lines - G. O’Hara; The Deeside line - Dick Jackson; Railway Observer; Railway Bylines Summer Special No.1.
All pictures are official ScR images unless otherwise stated.