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Set B572

These formations have been noted:

51054 59413 51082 Noted 30/06/1973 - at Bristol Temple Meads1
51054 59413 51082 Noted 18/07/74 - on 1620 Cardiff-Weymouth between C504 50665 + 59588 + 50715 and B580 51066 + 59425 + 51094
51054 59413 51082 Noted 03/09/742
51054 59413 51082 Listed at BR - 01/05/1976
51054 59413 51082 Noted 24/05/77 - on 2B36 1355 Cardiff-Weston Super Mare and 2C36 1545 Weston Super Mare-Cardiff
51054 59413 51082 Noted 09/09/1977 - Cardiff Central3
51054 59413 51082 Listed at BR - 31st December 1977
51054 59413 51082 Noted 21/05/78 - on 2B22 1215 Cardiff-Bristol TM
51054 59413 51082 Noted 01/07/1978 - South Wales Area3
51054 59413 51082 Noted 16/07/78 - on 2B21 1405 Cardiff-Cheltenham
51054 59413 51082 Noted 22/07/78 - on 2C10 0644 Weston Super Mare-Cardiff
51054 59413 51082 Noted 29/08/78 - on 2O71 1715 Bristol TM-Salisbury
51054 59413 51082 Noted 05/10/78 - on 2C19 1830 Cardiff-Hereford
51054 59413 51082 Noted 28/08/1979 - At Swindon P2 Bay 14593

Formation Sources
1: Jeremy Goodyear
2: Gerald Brown
3: Shayne Lewis

Class 119 DMU at Cardiff

January 1973

GRC&W Cross-Country DMU set B572 (presumably 51054 + 59413 + 51082) at Cardiff in January 1973. Mel Smith.

Class 119 DMU at Gloucester Eastgate

7th September 1974

7th of September 1974 and its a grey and rainy day in Gloucester Eastgate station. Class 119 DMU set B572 is working the 07.35 Swindon to Cheltenham service. If the set was in correct formation it would have comprised 51054 + 59413 + 51082. The KDH Archive.

Class 119 DMU at Cardiff Central

25th September 1979

Class 119 GRC&W Cross-Country set B572 (51054 and presumably 59413 + 51082) at Cardiff Central on 25 September 1979. Steve Jones.

Do you have any images of the set you can add?