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Class 122 DMU at Haymarket depot

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A general view of the DMU sidings at the east end of Haymarket depot on the afternoon of Sunday 15.3.81. Notice the mixture of classes (122, 101 and 105) present. From the left and from front to rear, the following are visible : 55000/59074/50160, 51476/59072/..., 51473, 51806/59088/51474. Also to notice is how, from around late 1978 onwards, once the decision had been made to ditch plain blue on multiple units with any sort of life expectancy, St Rollox just went ahead and painted everything in blue/grey, including classes 104 and 105. On the Eastern and Midland these tended to remain in plain blue on the whole because of their short life expectancy.

Class 122
Haymarket depot
15th March 1981

Leonard Rogers


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