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Detail of a Class 116 DMU



A Derby Works image (negative 57/470) showing the ends of TC W59000 (left) and DMBS W50050 (right) when new circa April 1957. The gear on the end of the centre car is for the communication cord. Note the far side has a footstep and handrail for staff to reach the reset 'butterfly', on the closest side they are not fitted but there are bolts where they should be.

The writing on the lower corner reads in different rows 'C' (for composite, the vehicle type) 'TRIPLE' (the formation), 'S.P. 3-59' ('Shopping Proposal' - its next works date), 'NEW - 2001' (2001 is the code for Derby Works), '11-3-57' and then a paint date which is not readable.

Class 116

British Railways


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