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This is a colour version of B & W shot image 24444 showing class 114 T026 (54010 + 53006) at Stratford-upon-Avon dated 11 January 1990 but after the staff member had moved away. The train is the 17:07 to Leamington. The colour of the sky hasn't been manipulated but is a consequence of the long exposure, 20 seconds at f5.6 on 100asa film, needed to get a well-exposed image in the days before very bright LED platform lights
Type: Class 114 Vehicle: 54010Visible Set No.: T026 Location: Stratford-upon-Avon Date: 11th January 1990
Photographer: Peter Tandy Service: Stratford-upon-Avon - Leamington Spa (or vice versa) Views: 383 View image source
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