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Vehicle: 54227
54227, M54269, 54263 await their fate in C.F.Booths Rotherham 15-12-91. Kevin Dowd.
Vehicle: 54269 Set: LO270
54269, 54227 in C.F.Booths Rotherham 15-12-91. Kevin Dowd.
Vehicle: 54240
54240, 54263, M54269, 54227 new arrivals in C.F.Booths Rotherham 15-12-91. Kevin Dowd.
Vehicle: 54245
M54245 (left), E54243 (center), E59249 (right) grounded in C.F.Booths Rotherham 15-12-91. Kevin Dowd.
Vehicle: 977811 Set: LO907
Half of Longsight based Sandite & route learning unit no. LO907, vehicle no. 977811 formerly DMBS 53956/50956 is seen languishing at C.F. Booths scrapyard on 03/Nov/1995. It was eventually scrapped in July 1996. Robert Chilton.
Vehicle: 977836 Set: LO910
Half of Longsight based Sandite & route learning unit no. LO910, vehicle no. 977836 formerly DMBS 53941/50941 is seen languishing at C.F. Booths scrapyard on 03/Nov/1995. It was eventually scrapped in October 1996. Robert Chilton.
Vehicle: 977836 Set: LO910
Vehicle no. 977836 formerly DMBS 53941/50941 is seen languishing at C.F. Booths scrapyard in mid-1996 in the company of other ex-Sandite vehicles. On the far left is 977811, formerly 53956/50956. Robert Chilton.
Vehicle: 51666
Class 115 DMBS 51666 awaiting the end at Booth's in 1993. Michael Kaye 55A.
Vehicle: 977836
The rear end of ex-Sandite vehicle 977836, formerly class 108 DMBS no.53941/50941 at CF Booths scrapyard in mid-1996. It was eventually scrapped in October 1996. Robert Chilton.
Vehicle: 977810 Set: LO907
Vehicle no. 977810 formerly DMBS 51901 at C.F. Booths scrapyard in mid-1996. The damage to the cab was caused by the bucket arm of a large excavator being used to move the vehicle. On the far right is it's latter-day partner in Sandite set LO907, 977811. Robert Chilton.
Vehicle: 977818 Set: B
Half of Sandite & route learning unit "B", vehicle no. 977818 formerly DMBS 53939/50939 is seen at C.F. Booths scrapyard mid-1996. Immediately behind is another un-identified ex-Sandite vehicle. The next in line to go, it was scrapped in July 1996. Robert Chilton.
Vehicle: 977811 Set: LO907
The rear end of vehicle 977811 of set LO907, formerly 53956/50956. The gangway connection was ripped off when the next vehicle was moved while only connected by the gangway connection securing clamps! To the immediate left is 977815, formerly DMCL 52059. Robert Chilton.
Vehicle: 51660
Class 115 51660 C.F.Booths, Rotherham, 27-4-93. Kevin Dowd.
Vehicle: 977744
977744 (ex-LO944T, 51906) C.F.Booths, Rotherham 19-12-93. Kevin Dowd.
Vehicle: 53470 Set: L703
53470 at C.F.Booths, Rotherham 7-3-93. Kevin Dowd.
Vehicle: 53470 Set: L703
53470 at C.F.Booths, Rotherham 7-3-93. Kevin Dowd.
Vehicle: 53470 Set: L703
53470 C.F.Booths, Rotherham on the 11-3-93. Kevin Dowd.
Vehicle: 52043
52043 C.F.Booths, Rotherham 13-3-93. Kevin Dowd.
Vehicle: 53470 Set: L703
53470 at Booths, after being stripped for spares for the preserved 104s, and awaiting cutting, 27-3-93. Kevin Dowd.
Vehicle: 53470 Set: L703
53470 at Booths, after being stripped for spares for the preserved 104s, and awaiting cutting, 27-3-93. Kevin Dowd.
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