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Vehicle: 975539
DB975539 (ex-56101) and DB975349 (ex-51116) stabled at Doncaster on 14-9-91. Kevin Dowd.
Vehicle: 79962
79962 and 79964, taken at 03:00 on 15 October 1980 immediately before departure from Doncaster MPD after tyre turning. Basil Hancock.
Vehicle: 975309
Drab olive coloured departmental Class 122 975309 sits outside Doncaster Works, October 1979. Malcolm Clements.
Vehicle: 975005
Seen at Doncaster soon after conversion in 1967. David Faircloth.
Vehicle: 975349
DB 975349 seen at Doncaster on the 26th May 1990. Paul Moxon.
Vehicle: 975539
975539 / 975349 at Doncaster on 26/5/90. Paul Moxon.
Vehicle: 975664
The Stourton Saloon seen at Doncaster on 29/6/88. Malcolm Clements.
Vehicle: 977126
Route Learning Saloon TDB977126, formerly 56445, at Doncaster with its partner TDB977124, formerly 51296, on 28/11/85. Robert Chilton.
Vehicle: 50898
Class 116 50898 is seen at Doncaster on 3/12/78. Malcolm Clements.
Vehicle: 51159
Class 125 E51159 seen fron Doncaster station on 22/7/76. Ian Francis.
Vehicle: 51188
M51188 awaits overhaul in Doncaster Works 12-7-92. It emerged with 53268 as 101 694. Taken at the Doncaster Works Open day on 12/7/92. Kevin Dowd.
Vehicle: 51352 Set: 117314
Taken at Doncaster Works during the open day on 12/7/92, 117314 (51352 + 59489 + 51394) has been overhauled and awaits release from the Works. Kevin Dowd.
Vehicle: 53266 Set: 100
E53266 undergoes overhaul at Doncaster, it will emerge paired with 51192 to form 101693. Taken during the open day on 12/7/92. Kevin Dowd.
Vehicle: 53250 Set: 824
53250 at Doncaster Works awaiting movement to MC Metals, Glasgow for scrapping. Taken at during the open day on 12/7/92. Kevin Dowd.
Vehicle: 55991
55991 is seen in Doncaster Works, 5/6/88. Jerry Glover.
A Rolls-Royce Met-Camm set at Doncaster on a service to Selby, 19/3/87. Ted Dinning.
A collection of units in Doncaster Works in December 1966; from left to right a Derby Lightweight, a Rolls-Royce Met-Camm DMBS with revised lining, and a freshly painted Class 108 with small yellow panel, and the rear of another freshly painted car. David Faircloth.
Vehicle: 50521
In ex-works condition after it's conversion to a single-engined vehicle, M50521 is seen in Doncaster Works on 7/3/82. Jerry Glover.
Vehicle: 50853 Set: 116395
With traces of old set number 167 showing through, set 116 395 (50853 59367 50894) is seen at Doncaster Works with GG Trans-Clyde branding. Class 101 car 50230 is on the left. Undated, possibly in 1981 when the set was transferred from Hamilton to Stratford. Jerry Glover.
Vehicle: 52102 Set: 714
Set 714 at Doncaster on 3/12/78. E52102 has lost the gangway cover, and the inner door has been made unopenable. The obsolete headcode box has effectively turned into marker lights. A 114 can be seen on the left and Met-Camm on the right. Malcolm Clements.
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