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BR Class 121 DMU Set L128 (55028) departs Oxford leaving a cloud of exhaust smoke in its wake - Monday 26th May 1986. David Malt.
Class 121 55028 in the bay platform at Oxford on 28 May 1986. Stuart Mackay Collection.
Class 121 Bubble Cars 55023 and 55028 have arrived at Henley-on-Thames from Twyford and ready to return there late one afternoon in October 1987. Murray Liston.
Class 121s Twyford 24 October 1987. These two are W55023 and W55028. Alistair Ness.
Class 121 cabs at Twyford in October 1987 These two are W55028 (left) and W55023 (right). Alistair Ness.
Two bubbles at Oxford on 15/4/88, the closest being 55028. Sparegang.
55028 at Greenford, 16/8/89. Gazza Prescott.
55022 at Paddington with a Greenford service on 24/8/89. Sparegang.
Class 121 DMBS 55028 with Class 101 54385 and 51443 arriving at Iver station with an unidentified up working on 17 December 1990. Dave Warby.
55028 and 55031 awaits departure from Paddington on the 06:05 to Greenford, 13th April 1991. Gazza Prescott.
55028 enters Banbury at the head of an Oxford bound train in March 1992. Ian Buck.
55029 approaches Bourne End from Marlow, 7th July 1976. 54A South Dock.
55029 working with a Class 117 set seen at Twyford in 1977. Steve Davies Collection.
Keep it in the family - a Pressed Steel Class 121 "bubble car" (which seems to be 55029) stands in for a Pressed Steel Class 117 DMS in this formation seen at Iver on 1 March 1979. George Woods.
Class 121 W55029 standing on for a Class 117 DMBS AT Reading - date unknown, circa 1979/80. Paul Redmond.
Class 121s W55029 + W56283 (the latter in white / blue stripe livery) in Oxford station on Tuesday 27 May 1980. Banbury (General) is on the destination blind. David Russon.
55029 and 55028 are seen at Southall on the 26th July 1980. Ian Buck.
Class 121 W55029 and a trailer arrive at Slough in the first half of 1981. Rob Paterson.
Class 121 Pressed Steel DMU 55029 (set L129) and DTS trailer, Acton Main Line with Down local 3-1-81. On Tour With the Class 13 Army.
55029 seen at Ivor. Undated. Robert Frise Collection.