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Class 126 DMU images identified by Vehicle No.

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126 DMU

circa 1981

Set: 126416

Two Swindon Intercity Class 126 DMUs at Elderslie, circa 1981. On the rear (closest) appears to be 51046. Andrew McConnell.

126 DMU

Unknown Date

Set: 126416

A Class 126 DMU formation arrives into Glasgow Central with DMBSL SC51046 on the rear. Paul Redmond.


126 DMU

March 1982

Set: 126417

Sc51047 COND at Thornhill, March 1982. Sc51047 in a rake of withdrawn Swindon DMU vehicles at Thornhill sidings in transit to their final destination, the boarded up windows indicating that the vehicle is contaminated with blue asbestos. When researching the scrapping date for this vehicle I discovered that Sc51047 was involved in an accident at Kyle Street Sidings (adjacent to Ayr station) 20/6/61. The set had been routed into a siding containing four tank wagons instead of into an adjacent empty siding. The cab front was quite badly stoved in. The vehicle was repaired and remained in service until 11/81. Andrew McConnell.


126 DMU

8th June 1978

Set: 418

A six-car Class 126 formation awaits departure from Stranraer Harbour station with a 'Glasgow Boat Train' service on 8/6/78. David Christie.

126 DMU

8th June 1978

Set: 418

Two Class 126 sets wait to leave Stanraer Harbour station with a Glasgow Central service on 8/6/78. They would collect passengers from the Larne ferry which would arrive just to the left of the station. David Christie.

126 DMU

Unknown Date

Set: 126418

A Class 126 formation in Ayr station, date unknown. DMBSL Sc51048 is closest. Paul Redmond.

126 DMU

circa 1982

Set: 126418

With 126 418 at the rear (DMBS Sc51048 closest), two Class sets enter Ayr station circa 1982. Andrew McConnell.

126 DMU

circa June 1982

Set: 126418

Class 126 DMBS Sc51048 is receiving attention from fitters and pigeons alike. Ayr Shed, circa June 1982. Andrew McConnell.


126 DMU

17th April 1961

Sc51049 leads two Swindon Inter-City three-car sets about to pass through Hillington East 17 April 1961. The second vehicle is a buffet car suggesting this is a St Enoch - Stranraer Harbour service. The leading set also has two vans, the third vehicle being one of the 79xxx series DMBSs. Stuart Mackay Collection.

126 DMU

14th July 1975

Sc51049 arriving at Glengarnock. Phil Bidwell.

126 DMU

25th January 1978

Set: 419

Sc51049 on Ayr TMD, 25 January 1978. Kevin Lane.

126 DMU

Unknown Date

Set: 126419

A Class 126 DMU formation arrives into Glasgow Central led by DMBSL SC51049, date unknown. Paul Redmond.


126 DMU

4th August 1973

Set: 120

A grubby SC51050 about to depart Stranraer Harbour station with the 1134 service to Glasgow Central. It had previously worked the Glasgow Central (dep 0830) to Stranraer (arr 1109). Robert Hope.

126 DMU

2nd August 1976

A Class 126 DMU in Stranraer Harbour station on 2 August 1976. The vehicle seems to be SC51050, its position on the platform suggests a nine-car formation, or vehicles parked on the line behind the DMU. The passengers heading away have likely either come off the train or the Larne ferry. Stuart Mackay Collection.

126 DMU

Unknown Date

Set: 420

A 6-car 126 set, led by set 420 leaves Glasgow Central, circa 1980. Andrew McConnell.

126 DMU

Unknown Date

Set: 420

Class 126 DMBS 51050 is seen at Glasgow Central. Undated. Andrew McConnell.


126 DMU

27th August 1977

Set: 421

Maybole station on August 27, 1977. One track (the up line) has been lifted but the footbridge and second platform are still in place. Class 126 DMU set 421 (Sc51051 closest) heads the 11.54 departure for Stranraer. Tom Burnham.

126 DMU

22nd July 1979

Set: 421

Class 126 DMBSL SC51051 on Ayr depot on 22 July 1979. Brian Daniels.

126 DMU


Set: 421

Class 126 unit 421, SC51051 closest, rests at Carlisle between trips on the GSW line through Dumfries to Glasgow, circa 1980. Tony Walmsley.


126 DMU

8th April 1959

The centre ('D') compartment of new Swindon Inter-City Trailer First SC59393 built for the Glasgow - Ayr/Girvan/Stranraer route. This was the only one of the seven compartments to have an exterior door. The Trafolyte sign above the door notes the paneling is mahogany. A Swindon Works image - negative 5CR/132A. Recorded in the Works photograph ledger as taken on 18 June 1959 yet the vehicle was new to Ayr in April, and was likely taken on 8 April along with the exterior view (MT88). British Railways.

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