Satisfactory outcome of this experiment noted.
Report to be submitted by C.O.S., C.C.M. and M.P.S. confirming the requirement of one additional set for this scheme as mentioned in Minute 314(a).
The Chairman said that representations had been made by a member of the Eastern Area Board, through Mr.Bird, for a through service between Oxford and Cambridge. It was stated that this question had previously been investigated and in fact a special railcar service was tried out some years ago but was not financially attractive and there was also the difficulty of crossing the main line at Bletchley. It was agreed that the Cambridge scheme did not justify a higher place in the list of priority of future schemes.
Noted that this investigation has been delayed owing to the A.S.L.E.& F. strike but a meeting has now been arranged for June 30th.
The Chairman said he had approached the Eastern Region for the use of two 2-car sets being built at Derby for the East Anglia scheme for the four days of the Show, but the E.R. have replied they are unable to release any units for this period.
Noted that as a result of further representations, the Board of Trade have made a recommendation to the Treasury that a refund of duty be approved.
Coupler has been returned to Holland and Mr.Randle will thank Mr.De Haas for the loan.
July 25th and 26th North Wales Inspection.
Mr.Lawrence will draw up itinerary and arrange re saloon.