The Chairman said it was desireable that this matter should be looked at from the point of view of :-
Reference was made to the General Manager's letter of 13th March to Messrs.Arkle and Cox, and Mr.Gould said he had had a preliminary look at the question of the Buckingham-Banbury line.
No lines conforming to (a) or (b) above having been found, it was agreed an investigation be made on this section. Service not to be extended to Bletchley, but extension to Verney Junction to be considered.
Messrs.Gould and Read will contact the Western Region as necessary regarding Banbury. Mr.Gould anticipates that two single cars will be required which could be based on Bletchley, and the question of halts will be dealt with in the submission, which will also include any costs for halts, maintenance, fuelling etc.