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The Chairman again emphasised the need for maintaining submission dates and that he expected to receive submissions in the month for which they were programmed. He asked that submissions to the Area Board be sent to the planning Officer by the first day of the month prior to the apporopriate Board Meeting.
It was agreed that to enable a proper assessment to be made of the present position and priority order of the schemes, Mr.Beatty should take the initiative in the preparation of a chart showing the overall programme and target dates for completion of the depots for consideration at the next meeting of the Committee.
Mr.Stanley reported the work was up to schedule and 10 sets had been completed.
Mr. Tildesley stated that as the diesel sets had been refurbished it had been decided the first class accomodation should not be marked down and it was hoped arrangements would be completed for first class bookings to be available on the High Wycombe line diesel trains as from the introduction of the units on 12th June.
Messrs. Salmon and Tildesley would jointly make the necessary arrangements for publicising this facility and advertising details of the trains on which first class accomodation would be available.
The revised comparative statement of annual net revenue of the passenger train services (Appendix 'C') was examined and it was decided that Mr. A.J. Johnson should take the initiative
Meeting 84
16th May 1961