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Vehicle: 55005 Set: TS055
M55005 is seen at Vic Berry's next to 55991 on 4/3/88. Malcolm Clements.
Vehicle: 53532 Set: N676
53487 is stacked on top of 53532 at Vic Berry's, 17/2/91. Kevin Dowd.
Vehicle: 55995
Class 128 55995 on Leicester TMD, 29-4-90. Kevin Dowd.
Vehicle: 51456 Set: T202
Carrying ScotRail branding, set T202 (51456 + 51520) is seen at Leicester in the siding used by Central Trains to stable units in. Circa mid-1988. Ian Francis.
Vehicle: 53678 Set: EP522
EP522 (53678 + 59293 + 53714) at Leicester on 22/8/84. Jerry Glover.
This view contains a very stained 127 at Leicester Depot on 24/7/84, which interestingly has it's number painted out in red. Ian Francis.
Vehicle: 51598
Class 127 DMBS M51598 at Leicester Station, 24/7/84. Ian Francis.
Set: T331
Leicester Station on a misty 4th October 1987, with several 116 and 101 sets and 150101 visible. Malcolm Clements.
Vehicle: 51591
Class 127 DMBS 51591 seen being hauled by a peak at Leicester. It, and the blue car behind, appears to be ex-works. 18th May 1983. Eastwestdivide.
Set: EP479
Taken at Leicester in the circa 1971, the Class 120 has a set number in the cab window that appears to read EP479. The rear car is in plain blue. John Law.
Vehicle: 51626
M51626 and M51647 seen in Leicester depot in April 1985. Ian Francis.
Vehicle: 51647
M51647 (and to its left M51626) at Leicester depot in January 1985. Ian Francis.
Vehicle: 59019
Class 116 centre car M59019 seen in Leicester station in April 1983. Ian Francis.
Leicester depot contained three withdrawn Class 127 power cars when this image was taken in January 1985. Ian Francis.
Vehicle: 975007
The Ultrasonic Test Train 975007 / 975008 in the sidings next to Leicester Station - date unknown. Ian Francis.
Vehicle: 54372
A Class 101 2-car set formed of 54372 + 51443 sit in Leicester station on the 4th August 1984. The orange curtains are prominent in the first class section on the DTC. Chris Lings.
Vehicle: 51294 Set: 39
Norwich allocated E51294 seen at Leicester on the 22nd December 1984. Dennis Taylor.
Vehicle: 51298
51298 passes Leicester North box on the 15th February 1986 with a Cambridge to Birmingham service. Dennis Taylor.
Vehicle: 53359 Set: 30
53359 is at the head of the 11:54 Leicester - Peterborough at Leicester on the 22nd February 1987. Dennis Taylor.
Vehicle: 53366 Set: 34
Arriving at Leicester is a terminating service from Market Harborough on the 13th March 1986 with 53366 at the front. Dennis Taylor.
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