« ‹ Page 93 of 96, displaying 1841-1860 of 1902 images › »
105 TDB 977052 is seen with 31 405 on Sandite Duties at St Pancras (18XX) Saturday 22nd October 1988. Colin Brooks.
977052 (ex-56145) seen at Bedford on the 17/12/88. Robert Frise.
977453 (51260) + 977454 (54440). Note 'ROWNTREE HALT' in the destination blind. To the left can be seen E53369. At Snailwell, 17.12.88. Nicholas Youngman.
Class 105 53367 is seen stabled at Tyseley on 26.12.1988. It had been taken over by the Parcels sector by this time. Andy Cole.
E51293 in Whitemoor circa 1989. E51293 was renumbered to 55944 but the number never carried. It was moved to Snailwell in December 1991. Nicholas Youngman Collection.
N699 53812 with Class 100 DMBS 53355 Carnforth January 1989 Steve Robinson.
E54443 at Snailwell on February 4, 1989. Nicholas Youngman.
Looking at E54443 with E54458 trailing nearest at Snailwell on 4 February 1989. Nicholas Youngman.
Looking towards E54458. E54443 is trailing unit nearest at Snailwell on February 4th 1989. Nicholas Youngman.
E54443. Space was restricted so a wide angle lens was used. Seen at Snailwell, 4/2/89. Nicholas Youngman.
Cravens E54458 at Snailwell on the 4th February 1989. Nicholas Youngman.
E54443 in Snailwell on the 4th February 1989. Nicholas Youngman.
Route learning Class 105 TDB977125 (formerly 56444) front and TDB977123 (formerly 51286) rear, at Doncaster. Year definitely 1989. Date believed to be 16th February. Andrew Slack.
The only number I could find painted over was E56448 and the NR depot marking was present. This was withdrawn as a departmental 977050. At Vic Berrys Leicester 18.02.89. Nicholas Youngman.
E51289 at Snailwell on the 26th February 1989. Nicholas Youngman.
E51292 at Snailwell on the 26th February 1989. Nicholas Youngman.
ER Class 105 route learner 977126 in York station on 27 February 1989. Image by Janet Cottrell. Stuart Mackay Collection.
977123 and 977125 in Manchester Piccadilly station on the 13th March 1989. Dennis Taylor.
E51289 in Snailwell, 15 March 1989. Nicholas Youngman.
E54114 in Snailwell on 26th March 1989. Nicholas Youngman.