« ‹ Page 33 of 91, displaying 641-660 of 1818 images › »
Class 120 DMU set P554 in Newquay station in July 1977. Stuart Mackay Collection.
A Class 120 'Swindon' Cross Country DMU rests at Aberdeen between its regular Aberdeen-Inverness Duties on 2nd July 1977. David Scott.
Swindon Cross-Country Class 120 DMU set P556 (presumably 51577 + 59583 + 51586) at Dawlish on 15 July 1977. George Woods.
Class 120 DMU set EP590 with a Class 116 on the rear is seen at Water Orton on 23 July 1977. Michael Mensing.
A Class 120 and Class 104 in Birmingham New Street station on the 3rd August 1977. Rex Holt.
A Class 120 Swindon Cross-Country DMU in the Hope Valley during September 1977. George Woods.
Parcels are transferred to BRUTE trolleys from BR Swindon Cross-Country (TOPS Class 120) 3-car DMU No. 306 which had recently arrived at Platform 3 of Inverness Station in the morning of 3rd September, 1977. I hope the driver removed that tail-light before departing! Image scanned and restored from a severely damaged print. Michael Laing.
A Class 120 runs into Spondon station, 24/9/77. Chris Lings.
An official image (22 of 27, negative D5939/1) from a internal BR photo album titled "Part Refurbished Class 120 Prototype 1 and 'CIBA Giegy' Ceiling". This is the first image in the second half of the album (after a divider) and shows the CIBA Giegy ceiling (and two rows of fluorescent lights) fitted to an Etches Park set (in this image DMBC M50708) that was refurbished circa October 1977. This is the front first class saloon, looking to the rear of the vehicle. Other changes include the formica on the partition, seats recovered in orange, orange curtains, vinyl behind the luggage rack and new pelmets covering the curtain rails. British Rail.
An official image (23 of 27, negative D5939/2) from a internal BR photo album titled "Part Refurbished Class 120 Prototype 1 and 'CIBA Giegy' Ceiling". This is the second image in the second half of the album (after a divider) and shows the CIBA Giegy ceiling (with two rows of fluorescent lights) fitted to an Etches Park set (in this image DMBC M50708) that was refurbished circa October 1977. This is the middle first class saloon, looking to the front of the vehicle. Other changes include the formica on the partition, seats recovered in orange, orange curtains, vinyl behind the luggage rack and new pelmets covering the curtain rails. British Rail.
An official image (24 of 27, negative D5959/5) from a internal BR photo album titled "Part Refurbished Class 120 Prototype 1 and 'CIBA Giegy' Ceiling". This is the third image in the second half of the album (after a divider) and shows the CIBA Giegy ceiling (with two rows of fluorescent lights) fitted to an Etches Park set that was refurbished circa October 1977. This is thought to be the second class saloon in DMBC M50708, looking to the rear of the vehicle. British Rail.
An official image (25 of 27, negative D5939/4) from a internal BR photo album titled "Part Refurbished Class 120 Prototype 1 and 'CIBA Giegy' Ceiling". This is the fourth image in the second half of the album (after a divider) and shows the CIBA Giegy ceiling (with two rows of fluorescent lights) fitted to an Etches Park set that was refurbished circa October 1977. This is thought to be centre car M59301, taken in the middle saloon looking to the buffet end. The vehicle would also be fitted with B4 bogies. British Rail.
An official image (26 of 27, negative D5939/5) from a internal BR photo album titled "Part Refurbished Class 120 Prototype 1 and 'CIBA Giegy' Ceiling". This is the fifth image in the second half of the album (after a divider) and shows the CIBA Giegy ceiling (with two rows of fluorescent lights) fitted to an Etches Park set that was refurbished circa October 1977. This is the buffet area of centre car M59301. British Rail.
An official image (27 of 27, negative D5939/6) from a internal BR photo album titled "Part Refurbished Class 120 Prototype 1 and 'CIBA Giegy' Ceiling". This is the sixth image in the second half of the album (after a divider) and shows the CIBA Giegy ceiling (with two rows of fluorescent lights) fitted to an Etches Park set that was refurbished circa October 1977. This is the front saloon in DMSL M50692. British Rail.
A Swindon Cross-Country DMU passing the crossing/signalbox at Leigh (Staffs) in autumn 1978. Michael Mensing.
A Central Wales line DMU arrives at Llandeilo 1978. John Law.
Crossing Cross-Countries. Class 120 sets C605 (presumably 50733 closest) and C603 (presumably 50673 closest) pass at Llandeilo in 1978. John Law.
Two two-car Class 120 DMUs - C601 (presumably 50722 + 50672) closest - are seen at Dorrington (Shropshire) in the summer of 1978. Michael Mensing.
Swindon Cross-Country set C506 in Bristol station in 1978. Rex Holt.
A Class 120 arrives into Stoke-on-Trent on a rainy day in 1978. Rex Holt.