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Class 120 DMU images

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120 DMU


A Derby based class 120 unit calls at Tamworth High Level in 1984. Tony Walmsley.

120 DMU


Set: EP520

A 7-car formation seen at Sleaford in 1984. Apparently stabled in sidings, DMS(L) E53659 is seen at the end of a mixture of vehicles, including a Class 101 TS(L), Class 120 DMBC(L) and two Class 114s at the rear. Graeme Phillips Collection.

120 DMU


Set: EP527

Two Swindon Class 120 Cross-Country sets in Lincoln St Marks in 1984, set EP527 on the left. John Law.

120 DMU


Set: C615

51781 leads 59682 and 51788 as set C615 through Bristol Stapleton Road in 1984. Robert Tarling.

120 DMU


Set: C615

C615 is formed of former ScR vehicles W51788 / W59682 / 51781, and seen at Lawrence Hill in 1984. Robert Tarling.

120 DMU

circa 1984

Set: EP515

A Swindon Cross-Country set with a Met-Camm centre car (EP515, 53744 + presumably 59524 + 53670) departs from Birmingham New Street, circa 1983/4. Graham Clark.

120 DMU

8th January 1984

A view over Doncaster station from the roof of the (now demolished) multi-storey car park on 8 January 1984. Various DMU vehicles are visible, including a 3-car Class 120 set in the bay platform awaiting departure with a northbound service, 114s and Met-Camms. Lewis Bevan.

120 DMU

28th January 1984

W53679, W59063 and W53727 departing from Gobowen with the 1040hrs Shrewsbury to Chester on 28 January 1984. Keith Long.

120 DMU

4th February 1984

A Class 120 set formed 51793 + 59684 + 51785 sets next to a Class 110 set at Manchester Victoria. Taken at 18:18 on Saturday 4th February 1984. Mel Holley.

120 DMU

March 1984

Class 120 DMSL M53666 prepares to leave Manchester Victoria's platform 13 at the rear of a service to Blackpool North, circa March 1984. At the front of this 3-car set was M53712 followed by centre car M59286. S Gaskell.

120 DMU

10th March 1984

The LCGB "Staffordshire Ranger" railtour is seen at Cheddleton on the 10th March 1984. Class 120 DMS 51586 is at this end of the 120 / 108 formation. Chris Lings.

120 DMU

10th March 1984

On 10 March 1984, the LCGB "Staffordshire Ranger" rail tour is seen at Cheddleton station with a three-car Swindown Works "cross-country" and a Derby Works class 108 three-car. Six Bells Junction notes the vehicles as 51586 + 59583 + 51577 / 53974 + 59387 + 51934. Jeremy Chapter.

120 DMU

10th March 1984

Set: EP520

Class 120 set EP520 on a Derby - Matlock service awaits time at Derby Saturday 10th March 1984. Colin Brooks.

120 DMU

8th April 1984

A Class 120 DMU at Ardwick on 8 April 1984. Image taken by John Vaughan. Stuart Mackay Collection.

120 DMU

14th April 1984

A Class 120 Swindon Cross-Country set passes 45148 on an up relief at Small Heath on Saturday 14/4/84. Mel Holley.

120 DMU

30th April 1984

It's fanciful to think that this Class 120 Cross Country dmu, 53704 leading, has come across the country to reach Kettering Junction from Cambidge. It's actually a Bletchley to Leicester service proceeding on the down fast under the watchful eyes of the Junction signalman. 30th April 1984. Mike Dean.

120 DMU

4th May 1984

On a beautiful May morning a Class 120 DMU strides through the romantic landscape at Agecroft Juntion with the 07.57 Blackpool - Manchester train. Dominating the scene is the huge complex of Agecroft colliery. 04/05/1984. Geoff Dowling.

120 DMU

5th May 1984

Set: EP517

Entering Carlton station on 5 May 1984 is Swindon Cross-Country DMU set EP517 working the 13:50 Lincoln St Marks-Birmingham New Street service. DMSL M53654 leads. Robert Thomas.

120 DMU

18th May 1984

Two Class 120 sets at Blackpool on 18 May 1984. The set on the left (with oval buffers) worked was the 10.55 to Manchester Victoria. Lewis Bevan.

120 DMU

June 1984

A seven-car formation in Nottingham station in June 1984, a Class 120 with two Class 114s. M53720 is closest. Mel Smith.

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