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EP522 (53678 + 59293 + 53714) at Leicester on 22/8/84. Jerry Glover.
A hybrid Class 120 3-Car set with Driving Motor Brake Second M53702 leading, was departing from Leyland with a Blackpool North to Manchester Victoria service on August 25th 1984. The centre trailer coach was from a Class 110 Calder Valley set. A number of the 110 sets had been reformed to 2-Car units in 1982, making the centre cars spare. Martyn Hilbert.
Class 120 DMS 51789, set number EP504, is seen at Crewe on 31.08.1984. Andy Cole.
An unusual visitor to the London area on 31 August 1984 was Cardiff based class 120 dmu no. C615 presumably (51781 + 59682 + 51788), seen here at Maidenhead about to depart with a train for Oxford (despite what the destination blind says - at least it's in the right general direction!). Robert28194.
A class 120 unit at rest in Chester station at 15.51 in September 1984. Kevin Lane Collection.
Former ScR Class 120 M51786 has Blackpool on its destination blind as it enters Manchester Victoria station with a Class 104 on the rear, circa September 1984. Stuart Mackay Collection.
Class 120 DMU set EP520 in Matlock station. The slide process date was September 1984. Stuart Mackay Collection.
Class 120 Cross-Country set M51587 + M59580 + M51578 at Ormskirk waiting to leave with the 18:32 to Preston, 3/9/84. Hamish Stevenson.
At Ormskirk on 3/9/84 are M51578 + M59580 + M51587 waiting to leave Ormskirk with the 18:32 to Preston. Hamish Stevenson.
Swindon class 120 three-car set led by DMSL 51583 at Southport, with a service for Manchester Victoria, 8/9/84. Robert Chilton.
Swindon Class 120 3-car DMU 51587 + 59580 + 51578 stabled on Chester depot on 30-9-84. On Tour With the Class 13 Army.
This set is formed of two Met-Camm centre cars flanked by 120 power cars. Seen passing Sunnyhill (Derby) on October 1984. Ian Francis.
Set 304 was involved in an accident at Oyne on the 12/5/78. DMBF 51784 was withdrawn went to Glasgow Works for scrapping. It is seen there on the 6th October 1984. Bill Hamilton.
The power car from EP504 is up on jacks in Swindon Works. The vehicle on the right is probably a Class 120 vehicle too. 9th October 1984. Dennis Taylor.
Two Class 120 DMUs with the 12:04 Manchester Victoria - Blackpool North passing Bolton East signal box on 14 October 1984. Harvey Scowcroft / Nigel Valentine Collection.
A six-car Swindon Cross-Country Class 120 DMU, with Driving Motor Brake Second (DMBS) M53712 leading, was passing through Leyland station on the Up Slow with a Blackpool North to Manchester Victoria service on October 27th 1984. Martyn Hilbert.
One of the stylish well-appointed Swindon Class 120 Cross-Country 3-car DMUs with DMSL M51793 at the rear of a Manchester Victoria to Blackpool North service at Leyland on October 27th 1984, coupled to a Class 104. The batch of Class 120s were allocated to Newton Heath and saw these units on Manchester-Blackpool/Southport duties as a stop-gap until new Class 142s/150s came on stream in 1985/86. Martyn Hilbert.
Class 120 DMU 51588 + 59588 + 51579 at Newton Heath Depot, Manchester, on 7-11-84. Spannerman37025.
Victoria. Six car Class 120 Swindon Cross Country idles away at Manchester Victoria. No sign of any passengers, or train crew for that matter and it is waiting the next turn on a damp afternoon. The screen certainly shows Blackpool and the Cross Country sets were common on this route at the time. Saturday 17 November 1984. alicia hartman.
BR Swindon Class 120 DMSL M51582 in Manchester Victoria on 17 November 1984. Dave Warby.