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Class 121 DMU images

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121 DMU

7th January 1998

Set: L129

55029 in Marks Tey station with a Sudbury service on January 7, 1988. David Page.

121 DMU

7th January 1998

Set: L129

55029 at Sudbury after arrival from Marks Tey on 7th January 1998. David Page.

121 DMU

1st May 1998

Set: 960002

The former 55020, now 977722, is seen berthed at Reading Depot on the 1st May 1998. Ian Buck.

121 DMU

7th August 1998

Set: 960013

Class 121 977866 at Acton Yard on 7-8-98. Ian Cuthbertson.

121 DMU

October 1998

Set: 121029

Two NSE Class 121 bubbles at Bletchley in October 1998, 55029 and 55027. David Page.

121 DMU

October 1998

Set: L127

Bubbles 55027 + 55029 at Bletchley on October 1998. David Page.

121 DMU

October 1998

Set: 121029

121029 (55029) and L127 (55027) at Bletchley in October 1998. David Page.

121 DMU

October 1998

Set: 121029

Bubbles face to face at Bletchley in October 1998. Note 55029 (left) has round corners to the black 'mask' round the cab windows, 55027 (right) has a square corner. David Page.

121 DMU

14th October 1998

Set: 121029

Class 121 single units 55029 and 55027 at Millbrook working the 15.30 Bletchley-Bedford on Wednesday 14 October 1998. Lewis Bevan.

121 DMU

16th November 1998

Set: 960012

977860 - set number 960 012 - is seen at Moreton on 16 November 1998. Brian Daniels.

121 DMU

late 1990s

One of the sandite / route-learning Class 121 DMUs at Crewe in the late 1990s. Waddo Rail.

121 DMU


Set: 121027

Taken on 121027's first outing in passenger service in Silverlink colours. It was paired with 121031 all day, and seen here at Bletchley. Lee Ellershaw.

121 DMU


Set: 121027

Taken on 121027's first outing in passenger service in Silverlink colours, when it was paired with 121031 all day, and seen here at Bletchley. Lee Ellershaw.

121 DMU


Set: 121031

55031 worked all day on 55027's first outing on passenger use in Silverlink colours, and the pair are seen here at Bletchley. Lee Ellershaw.

121 DMU

Unknown Date

977722 and 977858 at Aylesbury depot. Date unknown. Robert Frise Collection.

121 DMU

Unknown Date

Set: 121029

55029 and 55027 at Bedford. Undated. Robert Frise Collection.

121 DMU

Unknown Date

Set: 121027

55027 and 55029 at Bedford, undated. Robert Frise Collection.

121 DMU


Set: 121021

The DMU roads at Bletchley contain route learner 977723 (121 021) in Railtrack colours and 117 724 amongst many others in the 1999 view. Graham Baker.

121 DMU

circa 1999

Set: 121031

55031 "Leslie Crabbe" in number 4 road at Bletchley circa 1999, with 55029 on its left. Graham Baker.

121 DMU

Unknown Date

55027 "Bletchley TMD" at Bletchley in the late '90s, with NSE liveried 55031. Graham Baker.

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