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Class 131 parcel unit Sc55013 attached to the rear of a three-car Met-Camm unit at Kirkcaldy in May 1971. You don't often see shots taken looking in this direction. Most people photographed looking north with the bay platform behind the DMU or towards the signal box. My father came from Kirkcaldy so as a wee boy I was always dragged over from Edinburgh on Saturday mornings to see my gran and let-loose to visit the station. I have a full set of signs from here in my railwayana collection - a totem, a cast iron seatback, a directional sign with a left pointing arrow and the signal box name board. Alistair Ness.
GRC&W 'double-ender' M55002 is seen south of Baptist End on 13 May 1964. Dudley is on the destination blind and it carries set number 100 in the cab window. Michael Mensing.
Bubbles 55000 and 55006 in Newquay station with the 16:35 to Par on August 16, 1990. John Carter.
Gloucester double-ender W55003 heads to Stratford-upon-Avon, likely from Leamington Spa, at Wilmcote in mid-May 1963. Michael Mensing.
GRC&W bubble car W55003 seen east of Knightwick on Bromyard - Worcester Shrub Hill duties, March 21st 1964. Michael Mensing.
GRC&W double-ender W55003 with the 1.5pm Worcester Shrub Hill - Bromyard service leaving Knightwick on 21/3/64. Michael Mensing.
GRC&W 'double-ender' W55003 is attached to an ex-works Derby suburban triple working the 11.35 Stratford-upon-Avon - Leamington service approaching Warwick on 11 May 1964. Michael Mensing.
Class 122 SC55002 working as the DMBS in a Class 101 set seen at Stirling circa early 1980s. Paul Redmond.
On August 17, 1965 M55004 is at the front of a Derby suburban set at Lapworth after terminating with the 5.52pm ex-Birmingham Snow Hill. Michael Mensing.
A Gloucester RCW single car (It looks like set number 103 in the cab window and so lively 55005) is approaching Baptist End station with a train from Old Hill to Dudley on 31st August 1962. In the background Windmill End Junction can be seen, the line diverging to the right was the Netherton Goods Branch. Image taken by Peter Shoesmith. Geoff Dowling and John Whitehouse Collection.
A GRC&W 'double-ender' approaches Great Bridge with the 4.58pm Birmingham Snow Hill - Dudley service on 4 April 1964. The set number in the cab window is not too clear but could be 103 and thus 55005. Michael Mensing.
Class 122 DMU 55003 in the Looe branch platform at Liskeard on 23 January 1992. Keith Miller.
Class 122 DMU 55003 heads away from Liskeard with a Looe branch service on 23 January 1992. Keith Miller.
Class 122 55003, set number 103, is seen stabled at Plymouth on 10.08.1992. Andy Cole.
Class 122 "bubble car" 55003 rests at Penzance on 13 October 1992. Sparegang.
A Santa Special arrives into Exeter St Davids led by 55003. It will run to Exmouth and back, November 22, 1992. Alex Drennan.
Class 122 DMU 55003 and a sandite Class 108 formed of 977841 (ex 52047) and 977840 (ex 51932) at Laira on 22 August 1993. Keith Miller.
With a van in two M55006 is seen operating the 6.35pm Gloucester-Leamington Spa at Hatton on 11 July 1966. Michael Mensing.
55006 passes by at Lapworth with the 5.40pm Leamington - Snow Hill service on September 8th, 1966. Michael Mensing.
W55007 with a matching GRC&W driver trailer leads a Swindon Cross-Country set on the 7.30am Leamington Spa (G) - Birmingham Snow Hill service seen at Solihill on March 16, 1964. The front of the set number in the window is unclear - perhaps 105. Michael Mensing.