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An official photograph (Swindon Works negative 5CR/111) showing a wooden mock-up of a Trans-Pennine front end. Different placements of the four-character headcode were tried and photographed. Taken in the body shop at Swindon Works on 1/1/59. Notice how the side gutter bends down as it reaches the front, this would be changed on the final design. British Railways.
An official photograph (Swindon Works negative 5CR/112) showing the inside of a wooden mock-up of a Trans-Pennine front end, taken in the body shop at Swindon Works on 1/1/59. British Railways.
An official image (Swindon Works) showing the front end of a new Trans-Pennine DMC, probably at Swindon Works. British Railways.
A North Eastern Region publicity image showing a Trans-Pennine buffet car 'in use'. British Railways.
A BR publicity image using posed 'models'. This is noted as being a Trans-Pennine. They shared an identical buffet area layout with the 1963 Inter-City DMUs. British Railways.
An official photograph (Swindon Works negative 5C/315) showing two Trans-Pennine DMCs under construction in Swindon Works on 9/4/60. It clearly shows the moulded polyester resin cab front. The vehicle on the left has had the guttering on the cab fitted, and inside the hardwood timber framework has been fitted to the steel framework of the bodyshell, to which the body panels would be attached. British Railways.
An official photograph (Swindon Works negative 5C/316) showing the inside of a Trans-Pennine cab during construction at Swindon Works on 9/4/60. It shows the polyester resin cab front - one wonders if their was any structural steel added to protect the driver in the event of an accident? On the steel floor (formed of corrugated 'key sheeting') can be seen the brackets to which will be attached the rear cab bulkhead. In the steel plate at the front of the floor the black rectangular object is an outlet for the heater ducting. British Railways.
An official image showing the interior of a Trans-Pennine buffet. Not great quality, but the best version I could find of this version in which the loose chairs at the tables are straight and more is seen of the shelf tables on the right. British Railways.
A British Railways publicity photograph of a Swindon-built Trans-Pennine unit. Taken at Manchester Exchange, looking south-west, probably when new in mid-1960. British Railways.
A new Trans-Pennine DMU at Hull Paragon station on one of its trial runs, circa July 1960. British Railways.
Driver George Gibbs of Neville Hill, together with a young admirer, in the cab of a Trans-Pennine DMU. Circa August 1960. Yorkshire Post.
A Trans-Pennine DMU with a special (headcode 1Z06) at Scarborough circa early 1960s. Stuart Mackay Collection.
A Trans-Pennine set seen on a Hull - Liverpool working near Baltyeford (Spen Valley line) in January 1961. Photographer unknown. Stuart Mackay Collection.
An unidentified Class 124 "Transpennine" set crosses Saddleworth Viaduct heading in the Manchester direction. Chris Moxon Collection.
An unidentified Class 124 "Transpennine" set passing through Saddleworth station, heading in the Huddersfield direction, having just crossed the viaduct there. Chris Moxon Collection.
An unidentified Class 124 "Transpennine" DMC vehicle emerges from Standedge tunnel past photographers on Diggle station, heading towards Manchester. Chris Moxon Collection.
A North Eastern Region publicity image of a new Trans-Pennine DMU in Hull Paragon station in 1961. Note how the headboard has lamp brackets fitted. Simon Barnes Collection. British Railways.
The cover of the February 1961 North Eastern Railway British Railways staff magazine featured a Trans-Pennine unit at Barnbow, near Leeds, with the headboard on the black and white image picked out in the Region's orange colour, as the headboard was. British Railways.
The star of attraction in Manchester Exchange on 2 January 1961 was the new Trans-Pennine DMU which has been introduced that day. Evening Chronicle.
The Lord Mayor of Hull, Alderman WE Body, talks to Alderman Mrs Lillian Hammond, the Lord Mayor of Leeds, prior to the inaugural run of the Trans-Pennine DMUs on 2 January 1961. British Railways.