that whilst there had been some overspending, some additional work had been involved, and the whole of the items concerned were being listed. To assist in the preparation of the submission to the Commission, Mr.Lawrence would supply Mr.Reynolds with particulars of current traffic receipts.
Noted that the possibility of using the 3-car A.C.V. units as staff trains between Annesley M.P. depot and Bulwell was awaiting consideration of maintenance facilities at Nottingham.
Noted report on difficulties experienced due to technical troubles and overcrowding. Mr.Gould stated that two additional units had since been sent to Liverpool, bringing the total to the ten units originally allocated. Units for the Manchester Part 3 scheme were now being delivered and would be sent to Liverpool to cover any difficulties.
Mr.Reynolds stated that the visit by the Minister had now been arranged for March 21st. Mr.Gould would arrange for the cleaning of the train.
It was noted that the first train, after undergoing trials on the Region, was now back at Metro-Cammell Works where modified suspension has been fitted to the power bogies. The train was expected to be delivered to Derby in the next week or so when riding trials would be carried out to ascertain how much improvement has been made.
Brake trouble, due to block fractures, had not yet been overcome, but investigation was proceeding in conjunction with the makers.
Both trains would require modification to the brake work and the second train would also require modification to the suspension on the lines of that already being done to the first train.
The second train was still undergoing running trials and being used for driver training.
For the reasons stated above it was still not possible to say when the trains would be ready for service.