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Class 123 Swindon 4-car DMUs


The sets were originally designed for a through South Coast - Wales service, and initially consideration was given to building them with diesel electric transmission. Plans for a through service from Brighton were abandoned because of the Southern Region's resistance to DMUs, but they did manage to make it to Portsmouth on services from Cardiff and Bristol.

Initially working from Cardiff, they would move to Reading in 1968 and after a brief spell back at Cardiff they were integrated with the Class 124s at Hull on Trans-Pennine services.

The Cardiff Years Part One 1963 - 1968

They were all delivered to Cardiff Canton depot between February and June 1963. They were introduced on services between Swansea, Cardiff, Birmingham, Derby, Sheffield and Crewe, and also on the Cardiff to Bristol route.

Green DMU with yellow gangway end

The image shows W52088 on the rear of the 12.15pm Cardiff General - Derby during the Birmingham New Street stop on April 20, 1963. The other power car was noted as W52098, and that it was coupled to a three-car Cross-Country set. Michael Mensing.

Rick Squirrell notes: "As delivered these were given numbers 511 - 520. I first encountered 2 of these distinctive sets at Portsmouth Harbour on a Cardiff working when they were brand new; they looked very important alongside the green and plain blue of the electrics."

Cardiff Diagrams

These show us that they were no longer booked to work the services to the Midlands after June 1965. The June 1964 to March 1967 diagrams are courtesy of Mark Alden.

After the first time column (arrival time) the capital letter (A, B, C, D or E) referred to the category of cleaning to be performed.
The lower case letter after the departure time relates to attached sets.
# in the last column indicates "empty train".

No.1 (Four Car Buffet Unit)
Diesel Sdgs C 7.45  a #
Cardiff 7.55 8. 6  a
Bristol 9.10 9.20  a #
Malago V. 9.25 10. 5  b #
Bristol 10.10 10.35  b
Cardiff 11.38 11.45  b #
Diesel Sdg 11.50 12. 0 #
Cardiff 12/10 12/20
Derby 3/47 5/20
Cardiff 9/ 0 9/ 5 #
Diesel Sdg 9/10
Diesel Sdg C 9.40  c #
Cardiff 9.50 10. 2  c
Sheffield 2/24 4/ 3  c
Cardiff 8/50 9/ 0  c #
Diesel Sdg 9/ 5
a - Set No. 2 attd. rear
b - Set No. 2 attd. front
c - Set No. 5 attd.
No.2 (Four Car Non Buffet Unit)
Worked by No.9 of previous day.
Diesel Sdgs C 7.45  a #
Cardiff 7.55 8. 6  a
Bristol 9.10 9.20  a #
Malago V. 9.25 10. 5  b #
Bristol 10.10 10.35  b
Cardiff 11.38 11.45  b #
Diesel Sdg 11.50
Diesel Sdg E 1/15  c #
Cardiff 1/25 1/36  c
Exeter 4/48 4/53
Plymouth 6/14
Plymouth 8/26 SX
Penzanze 10/55 11/ 0 SX #
Diesel Sdg 11/ 5
Forms No.9 next day
Plymouth 2/45
Newton A. 3/46  d
Cardiff 7/37 7/45  d #
Diesel Sdg 7/55
a - Attached rear of Set No. 1
b - Attached front of Set No. 1
c - Set No. 8 attached rear Cardiff to Exeter
d - Set No. 8 attached front Newton Abbot to Cardiff


No.3 (Four Car Buffet Unit)
On Mondays formed with No.10 of Sunday
Diesel Sdg C 8. 0 #
Cardiff 8.10 8.20
Bgham (N.St.) 10.47 11.25
Cardiff 1/53 2/ 0 #
Diesel Sdg 2/ 5 3/ 0  a #
Cardiff 3/10 3/36  a
Bristol 4/41 4/55
Malago Vale 5/ 0 5/47
Bristol 5/52 6/25  b
Cardiff 7/31 7/40  b #
Diesel Sdg 7/50
Diesel Sdg C 2/20  ck
Cardiff 2/30 2/40  ck
Newton Abbot 6/55 7/ 3
Kinsgwear 7/45 8/25
Newton Abbot 9/11 9/15 #
Sidings 9/21
Forms No. 10 MO
a - Attd rear of Set No. 27
b - Attd to front of Sets Nos. 4 & 5
c - Attd to rear of Set No. 9
k - Starts one hour earlier 27th Oct.
    to 15th December 1963 and 5th Jan.
    to 1st March, 1964 inclusive.
No.4 (Four Car Buffet Unit)
Diesel Sdg C 9.15  a #
Cardiff 9.25 9.36  a
Exeter 12/21 12/26
Plymouth 1/45 3/15
Newton A. 4/ 9 4/17  b
Bristol 6/20 6/25  bc
Cardiff 7/31 7/40  bc #
Diesel Sdg 7/50
Diesel Sdg C 6/20  d #
Cardiff 6/30 6/40  d
Bristol 7/48 7/55 #
Malago V 8/ 0 9/10 #
Bristol 9/15 9/30
Cardiff 10/45 10/55 #
Diesel Sdg 11/0
a - Set No. 5 attd rear Cardiff to Exeter
b - Set No. 5 attd front Newton Abbot to Cardiff
c - Set No. 3 attd front Bristol to Cardiff
d - Set No. 82 attd rear


No.5 (Four Car Non Buffet Unit)
Diesel Sdgs. C 9.15  a #
Cardiff 9.25 9.36  a
Exeter 12/21 12/30
Kingswear 1/52 3/25
Newton A. 4/05 4/17  b
Bristol 6/20 6/25  bc
Cardiff 7/31 7/40  bc #
Diesel Sdg. 7/45
Diesel Sdg. 9.40  d #
Cardiff 9.50 10.2  d
Sheffield 2/24 4/03  d
Cardiff 8/50 9/00  d #
Diesel Sdg. 9/05
a - Attd. rear of Set No.4.
b - Attd. to front of Set No.4.
c - Set No. 3 attd front Bristol to Cardiff.
d - Attd. to Set No.1.
No.6 (Four Car Non Buffet Unit.)
Saturdays Excepted
Diesel Sdg. 6.45  a # MSO
Derby 6.55 7.5  a   MSO
Cardiff 10.53 11.05  a # MSO
Diesel Sdg. 11.10
Diesel Sdg. ABC 5/00  b # FO
Cardiff 5/10 5/20  b # FO
Derby 8/56 9/05  b # FO
Diesel Sdg. 9/10
Diesel Sdg. E 5/00  b # SO
Cardiff 5/10 5/20  b   SO
Bgham (N. St) 7/47 7/50  b # SO
Saltley C.S 8/00
Saltley C.S. 9.00  b #
Bgham (N.St.) 9.10 9.20  bc
Swansea 1/13 1/20  bc #
Diesel Sdg. 1/25
Diesel Sdg. 3/50  b #
Swansea 4/00 E 4/45  b
Derby 9/40 9/45  b #
Diesel Sdg. 9/50
a - Attd. to Set No.8
b - Attd. to Set No.10
c - Conveys Set No.80 attached Cardiff to
    Swansea 29/10/63 to 15/12/63 and
    5/1/64 to 22/3/64 only.


No.8 (Four Car Buffet Set)
Formed by No.10 of previous day.
Diesel Sdg. 6.45  a #
Derby 6.55 7. 5  a
Cardiff 10.53 11.05  a #
Diesel Sdg. 11.10
Diesel Sdg. 1/15  b #
Cardiff 1/25 E 1/36  b
Exeter 4/48 5/04
Paignton 6/5  7/45
Exeter 8/50 9/50
Newton A. 10/29 10/34 #
Diesel Sdg. 10/39
Forms No. 10 next day
Diesel Sdg. 10.38 #
Newton A. 10.43 10.53
Kingswear 11.25 12/15
Exeter 1/44 2/25
Newton A. 3/ 9 3/46  c
Cardiff 7/37 7/45  c #
Diesel Sdg. 7/55
Forms No.10 MO
a - Set No. 6 attd. MSO
b - Attd. rear of Set No.2
c - Attd. front of Set No.2


No.9 (Four Car Non Buffet Unit)
Formed by No.2 of previous day.
Diesel Sdg. 6.45  a #
Penzanze 6.50 7.05
Plymouth 9.50 10.15
Exeter 11.44  a
Cardiff 2/29 2/35  a #
Diesel Sdg. 2/40 E 5/15 #
Cardiff 5/25 5/36  b
Bristol 6/49 7/00  b #
Malago V. 7/05 7/40  c #
Bristol 7/45 8/05  c
Cardiff 9/17 9/20  c # SE
Diesel Sdg. 9/30
Cardiff 9/25  c   SO
Bridgend 9/57 10/25  b # SO
Canton D.S. 10/55
Diesel Sdg. C 2/20  d E #
Cardiff 2/30 2/40  d
Newton Abbot 6/55 7/03
Plymouth 7/55 10/05
Truro 11/27 11/32
Sidings 11/37 4.40 # MO
Penzance 6.4
a - Attd. to Set No. 10
b - Attd. to rear of Set No. 26
c - Attd. to Set No. 26
d - Set No.3 attd. rear Cardiff to Newton A.
K - One hour earlier 27th October to
    15th December 1963 and 5th January
    to 1st March 1964 inclusive.
No.10 (Four Car Buffet Unit)
Saturdays Excepted
Formed by No. 8 of previous day.
Diesel Sdgs. 5.40 #
Newton Abbot 5.45 5.55
Paignton 6.25 6.45
Exeter 7.45 7.55
Paignton 9.10 10.35
Exeter 11.31 11.44  a
Cardiff 2/29 2/35  a #
Diesel Sdg. 2/40
Diesel Sdg. 5/00  b SX
Cardiff 5/10 5/20  b SX
Derby 8/56 9/05  b SX
Diesel Sdg. 9/10
Forms No. 8 next day.
Diesel Sdg. 5/00  d # SO
Cardiff 5/10 5/20  d   SO
Bgham (N. St.) 7/47 7/50  d # SO
Saltley CS. 8/00
Saltley CS. 9.00   d #
Bgham (N. St.) 9.10 9.20  cd
Swansea 1/10 1/20  cd #
Diesel Sdg. 1/25
Diesel Sdg. 3/50  d #
Swansea 4/00 4/45  d
Derby 9/40 9/45  d #
Diesel Sdg. 9/50
Forms No.8 Monday.
a - Attd. to Set No. 9
b - Set No.6 attd. FO
c - Set No. 80 attached Cardiff to
    Swansea 29/10/63 to 15/12/63 and
    5/1/64 to 22/3/64 only.
d - Set No.6 attd.

Source: included in Western Region Memo: CM&EE to Asst. Chief Draughtsman, 19th July, 1962
National Archives - AN160/78 Inter-city diesels: Western Region

Set 650 (Buffet set)
M-F 1V69 06.55 Derby - Cardiff Coupled 655 MWFO / 656 TThO
M-F 1M78 17.22 Cardiff - Derby Coupled 655 MWFO / 656 TThO
FO 22.20 Derby - Nottingham Coupled 656
SO 1V71 09.30 Nottingham - Cardiff Coupled 656
SO 1M78 17.22 Cardiff - Birmingham N St. Coupled 656
SuO 1V71 09.20 Birmingham New St. - Swansea Coupled 656
SuO 1M79 16.45 Swansea - Derby Coupled 656
Forms 650 Monday
Set 651 (Buffet set)
M-F 1M 11.20 Cardiff - Derby Coupled from Gloucester 655 MWFO / 656 TThO
M-F 1V72 17.20 Derby - Cardiff Coupled 655 MWFO / 656 TThO
SO 1M27 08.15 Cardiff - Birmingham New St. Coupled 655
SO 13.00 Birmingham New St. - Derby Coupled 655
SO 1V72 17.20 Derby - Cardiff Coupled 655
SuO 1E 10.00 Cardiff - Sheffield Coupled 655
SuO 1V72 16.05 Sheffield - Cardiff Coupled 655
Forms 651 Monday
Set 652 (Buffet set)
M-F 1C28 09.36 Cardiff - Plymouth Coupled 657 to Exeter
M-F 1T34 15.15 Plymouth - Cardiff Coupled 657 from Newton Abbot
SO 1C35 08.06 Cardiff - Kingswear Coupled 657 to Exeter
SO 1T45 15.20 Kingswear - Cardiff Coupled 657 from Exeter
Forms 652 Monday
Set 653 (Buffet set)
M-F 3C74 05.53 Belmont Sidings - Saltash ECS
M-F 2C74 06.34 Saltash - Plymouth
M-F 2C74 07.00 Plymouth - Saltash
M-F 2C74 07.20 Saltash - Plymouth
M-F 1T27 07.55 Plymouth - Cardiff Coupled 658 from Newton Abbot
M-F 1C41 13.36 Cardiff - Kingswear Coupled 658 to Exeter, forward at 16.26
M-F 2C91 18.22 Kingswear - Newton Abbot
M-F 2C75 19.30 Newton Abbot - Plymouth
M-F 3C64 20. Plymouth - Belmont Sidings ECS
SO 3C74 06.48 Belmont Sidings - Plymouth ECS
SO 2C74 07.00 Plymouth - Saltash
SO 2C74 07.20 Saltash - Plymouth
SO 2C51 07.55 Plymouth - Tavistock North
SO 2C51 08.55 Tavistock North - Plymouth
SO 2C90 13.23 Plymouth - Exeter St. Davids’
SO 2C91 16.11 Exeter St. Davids’ - Kingswear
SO 2C76 20.40 Kingswear - Exeter St. Davids’
SuO 2C90 10.10 Exeter St. Davids’ - Newton Abbot
SuO 3C91 17.20 Newton Abbot - Goodrington ECS
SuO 2C74 18.05 Goodrington - Saltash
SuO 3C64 20.10 Saltash - Belmont Sidings ECS
Forms 653 Monday
Set 654 (Buffet set)
M-F Spare at Cardiff
SO 1C73 12.21 Cardiff - Newton Abbot Coupled 659
SO 2C91 16.55 Newton Abbot - Kingswear
SO 2C76 18.35 Kingswear - Exeter St. Davids’
SO 2C75 20.16 Exeter St. Davids’ - Plymouth
SuO 08.50 Belmont Sidings - Saltash ECS
SuO 2C91 09.20 Saltash - Kingswear
SuO 1T34 14.45 Kingswear - Cardiff Coupled 658 & 659 from Newton Abbot
Forms 654 Monday
Set 655 (Non Buffet set)
MWFO 1V69 06.55 Derby - Bristol Coupled 650 to Gloucester; forward 09.36
MWFO 2H32 11.40 Bristol - Derby Coupled 651 from Gloucester
MWFO 1V72 17.20 Derby - Cardiff Coupled 651
TThO 1M78 17.22 Cardiff - Derby Coupled 651
SO 1M27 08.15 Cardiff - Birmingham New St. Coupled 651
SO 1M 13.00 Birmingham New St. - Derby Coupled 651
SO 1V72 17.20 Derby - Cardiff Coupled 651
SuO 1E 10.00 Cardiff - Sheffield Coupled 651
SuO 1V72 16.05 Sheffield - Cardiff Coupled 651
Forms 656 Monday
Set 656 (Non Buffet set)
MWFO 1M78 17.22 Cardiff - Derby Coupled 650
TThO 1V69 06.55 Derby - Bristol Coupled 650 to Gloucester, forward 09.36
TThO 2H32 11.40 Bristol - Derby Coupled 651 from Gloucester
TThO 1V72 17.20 Derby - Cardiff Coupled 651
FO 22.20 Derby - Nottingham Coupled 650
SO 1V71 09.30 Nottingham - Cardiff Coupled 650
SO 1M78 17.22 Cardiff - Birmingham New St. Coupled 650
SuO 1V71 09.20 Birmingham New St. - Swansea Coupled 650
SuO 1M79 16.45 Swansea - Derby Coupled 650
Forms 655 Monday
Set 657 (Non Buffet set)
M-F 1C28 09.36 Cardiff - Paignton Coupled 652 to Exeter
M-F 1T34 15.25 Kingswear - Cardiff Coupled 657 from Newton Abbot
SO 1C35 08.06 Cardiff - Kingswear Coupled 652 to Exeter
SO 1T45 15.21 Kingswear - Cardiff Coupled 652 from Exeter
SuO 1C82 14.40 Cardiff - Kingswear
SuO 2C90 21.10 Kingswear - Newton Abbot
Forms 658 Monday
Set 658 (Non Buffet set)
M-F 3C91 05.55 Newton Abbot - Kingswear ECS
M-F 1T27 08.00 Kingswear - Cardiff Coupled 653 from Newton Abbot
M-F 1C41 13.36 Cardiff - Plymouth Coupled 653 to Exeter
M-F 2C74 18.15 Plymouth - Saltash
M-F 2C74 18.45 Saltash - Plymouth
M-F 2C90 19.43 Plymouth - Newton Abbot
SO 1F18 07.45 Newton Abbot - Swansea
SO 2T 15.45 Swansea - Cardiff
SO 1C89 17.38 Cardiff - Bristol
SO 1C89 19.05 Bristol - Plymouth
SuO 1T34 14.45 Plymouth - Cardiff Coupled 659 to Exeter / Coupled 654 & 659 from Newton Abbot
Forms 657 Monday
Set 659 (Non Buffet set)
M-F SPARE at Cardiff
SO 1C73 12.21 Cardiff - Newton Abbot Coupled 654
SuO 2C75 13.15 Newton Abbot - Plymouth
SuO 1T34 14.45 Plymouth - Cardiff Coupled 658 to Exeter / Coupled 654 & 658 from Newton Abbot
Forms 659 Monday

Set 650 (Buffet set)
M-S 1V69 06.55 Derby - Cardiff Coupled 655 MWFO / 656 TThO
M-F 1M78 17.22 Cardiff - Derby Coupled 655 MWFO / 656 TThO
SO 1M78 17.22 Cardiff - Birmingham N St.
SuO 1V71 09.20 Birmingham New St. - Swansea Coupled 656
SuO 1M79 16.45 Swansea - Derby Coupled 656
Forms 650 Monday
Set 651 (Buffet set)
M-S 1M 11.20 Cardiff - Derby Coupled 656 from Gloucester
M-S 1V72 17.20 Derby - Cardiff Coupled 655 MWFO / 656 TThSO
SuO 1E 10.00 Cardiff - Sheffield Coupled 656
SuO 1V72 16.05 Sheffield - Cardiff Coupled 656
Forms 651 Monday
Set 652 (Buffet set)
M-S 1C28 09.36 Cardiff - Plymouth Coupled 657 to Newton Abbot
M-S 1T34 15.15 Plymouth - Cardiff Coupled 657 from Newton Abbot
SuO 1C82 13.40 Cardiff - Plymouth Coupled 657 / Dated 25/10/64-13/12/65 & 03/01/65-21/03/65
SuO 1C82 14.40 Cardiff - Plymouth Coupled 657 / Dated until 18/10/64 and from 28/03/65
Forms 653 Monday
Set 653 (Buffet set)
M-S 1T27 07.55 Plymouth - Cardiff Coupled 658 from Newton Abbot
M-S 1C41 13.36 Cardiff - Kingswear Coupled 658 to Exeter
M-S Kingswear - Plymouth locals
SuO 1T34 14.50 Plymouth - Cardiff Coupled 658
Forms 652 Monday
Set 654 not used
Set 655 (Buffet set)
MWFO 1V69 06.55 Derby - Bristol Coupled 650
MWFO 2H32 11.40 Bristol - Derby Coupled 651 from Gloucester
MWFO 1V72 17.20 Derby - Cardiff Coupled 651
TThO 1M78 17.22 Cardiff - Derby Coupled 650
SO 1M78 17.22 Cardiff - Birmingham New St.
SuO 1V71 09.20 Birmingham New St. - Swansea Coupled 650
SuO 1M79 16.45 Swansea - Derby Coupled 650
Forms 655 Monday
Set 656 (Non Buffet set)
MWFO 1M78 17.22 Cardiff - Derby Coupled 650
TThSO 1V69 06.55 Derby - Bristol Coupled 650
TThSO 2H32 11.40 Bristol - Derby Coupled 651 from Gloucester
TThSO 1V72 17.20 Derby - Cardiff Coupled 651
SuO 1E 10.00 Cardiff - Sheffield Coupled 651
SuO 1V 16.05 Sheffield - Cardiff Coupled 651
Forms 656 Monday
Set 657 (Non Buffet set)
M-S 1C28 09.36 Cardiff - Plymouth Coupled 652 / dated 12/09/64-19/09/64 & 29/05/65-12/06/65
M-S 1C28 09.36 Cardiff - Exeter St. Davids’ Coupled 652 to Exeter / until 05/09/64 & from 26/09/64-22/05/65
M-S 2C91 12.30 Exeter St. Davids’ - Kingswear Until 05/09/64 & from 26/09/64-22/05/65
M-S 2C90 15.25 Kingswear - Newton Abbot Until 05/09/64 & from 26/09/64-22/05/65
M-S 1T34 16.26 Newton Abbot - Cardiff Coupled 652 / Until 05/09/64 & from 26/09/64-22/05/65
SuO 1C82 13.40 Cardiff - Plymouth Coupled 652 / Dated 25/10/64-13/12/65 & 03/01/65-21/03/65
SuO 1C82 14.40 Cardiff - Plymouth Coupled 652 / Dated until 18/10/64 and from 28/03/65
Forms 658 Monday
Set 658 (Non Buffet set)
M-S 1T27 08.00 Kingswear - Cardiff Coupled 653 from Newton Abbot
M-S 1C41 13.36 Cardiff - Plymouth Coupled 653 to Exeter
M-S 2C75 16.26 Exeter St. Davids’ - Plymouth
M-S Plymouth - Kingswear locals
SuO 1T34 14.45 Plymouth - Cardiff Coupled 653
Forms 657 Monday
Set 700 (Buffet set)
MWFO 1O51 06.10 Cardiff - Portsmouth Coupled 704
MWFO 1V09 11.00 Portsmouth - Cardiff Coupled 704
MWFO 1O65 16.36 Cardiff - Portsmouth Coupled 704
TThuO 1V05 07.23 Portsmouth - Cardiff
TThuO 1O61 12.36 Cardiff - Portsmouth Coupled 705 MWFO / 706 TThO
TThuO 1V17 17.28 Portsmouth - Cardiff Coupled 705 MWFO / 706 TThO
SO 1V07 09.28 Portsmouth - Cardiff
SO 1O63 14.38 Cardiff - Weymouth
SO 2B20 19.43 Weymouth - Bristol
SuO 2T52 12.45 Bristol - Cardiff
SuO 2B28 14.55 Cardiff - Bristol
SuO 2T02 19.39 Bristol - Cardiff
Forms 700 Monday
Set 701 (Buffet set)
MWFO 1V05 07.23 Portsmouth - Cardiff
MWFO 1O61 12.36 Cardiff - Portsmouth
MWFO 1V17 17.28 Portsmouth - Cardiff
TThO 1O51 06.10 Cardiff - Portsmouth Coupled 704
TThO 1V09 11.00 Portsmouth - Cardiff Coupled 704
TThO 1O65 16.36 Cardiff - Portsmouth Coupled 704
SO 1V10 12.03 Portsmouth - Cardiff Coupled 707
SO 1O65 16.38 Cardiff - Portsmouth Coupled 707 to Westbury
SuO 1V09 11.15 Portsmouth - Cardiff
SuO 1O65 17.40 Cardiff - Portsmouth
Forms 701 Monday
Set 702 (Buffet set)
M-F 1O54 08.36 Cardiff - Portsmouth Coupled 703
M-F 1V11 13.30 Portsmouth - Cardiff Coupled 703
SO 1O54 08.38 Cardiff - Portsmouth Coupled 703
SO 1V11 13.08 Portsmouth - Cardiff Coupled 703
SuO 1O58 10.40 Cardiff - Portsmouth Coupled 703
SuO 1V17 17.20 Portsmouth - Cardiff Coupled 703
Forms 702 Monday
Set 703 (Non Buffet set)
M-F 1O54 08.36 Cardiff - Portsmouth Coupled 702
M-F 1V11 13.30 Portsmouth - Cardiff Coupled 702
M-F 2B28 18.36 Cardiff - Bristol
M-F 2T52 20.05 Bristol - Cardiff
SO 1O54 08.38 Cardiff - Portsmouth Coupled 702
SO 1V11 13.08 Portsmouth - Cardiff Coupled 702
SO 2B78 19.08 Cardiff - Bristol
SO 2T02 22.45 Bristol - Cardiff Coupled 704
SuO 1O58 10.40 Cardiff - Portsmouth Coupled 702
SuO 1V17 17.20 Portsmouth - Cardiff Coupled 702
Forms 703 Monday
Set 704 (Non Buffet set)
M-F 1O51 06.10 Cardiff - Portsmouth Coupled 700 MWFO / 701 TThO
M-F 1V09 11.00 Portsmouth - Cardiff Coupled 700 MWFO / 701 TThO
M-ThO 1O65 16.36 Cardiff - Westbury* Coupled 700 MWO / 701 TThO
M-ThO 2B20 21.21 Westbury - Bristol 19.43 from Weymouth
M-ThO 2T02 22.45 Bristol - Cardiff
FO 1O65 16.38 Cardiff - Portsmouth
SO 1V07 09.28 Portsmouth - Cardiff
SO 1O63 14.38 Cardiff - Weymouth
SO 2B20 19.43 Weymouth - Bristol
SO 2T02 22.45 Bristol - Cardiff Coupled 703
* 700 / 701 goes forward to Portsmouth
Forms 704 Monday
Set 705 (Non Buffet set)
MWFO 1V02 07.32 Salisbury - Cardiff
MWFO 1O61 12.36 Cardiff - Portsmouth Coupled 700
MWFO 1V17 17.28 Portsmouth - Cardiff Coupled 700
TThO 1O58 10.36 Cardiff - Portsmouth Coupled 707
TThO 1V13 15.28 Portsmouth - Bristol Coupled 707
TThO 2C53 19.55 Bristol - Salisbury
SO 1O58 10.38 Cardiff - Portsmouth Coupled 709
SO 1V13 15.28 Portsmouth - Bristol Coupled 709
SO 1O67 19.55 Bristol - Salisbury
SuO 2B20 15.35 Salisbury - Bristol
SuO 2T52 21.50 Bristol - Cardiff
Forms 706 Monday
Set 706 (Non Buffet set)
MWFO 1O58 10.36 Cardiff - Portsmouth Coupled 707
MWFO 1V13 15.28 Portsmouth - Bristol Coupled 707
MWFO 2C53 19.55 Bristol - Salisbury
TThO 1V02 07.32 Salisbury - Cardiff
TThO 1O61 12.36 Cardiff - Portsmouth Coupled 700
TThO 1V17 17.28 Portsmouth - Cardiff Coupled 700
SO 1V02 07.32 Salisbury - Cardiff
SO 1O61 12.38 Cardiff - Portsmouth Coupled 708
SO 1V17 17.28 Portsmouth - Cardiff Coupled 708
SuO 1O65 17.40 Cardiff - Bristol
SuO 1O67 19.55 Bristol - Salisbury
Forms 705 Monday
Set 707 (Cross-Country set)
M-F 2F94 07.30 Bristol – Cardiff To Carmarthen
M-F 1O58 10.36 Cardiff - Portsmouth Coupled 705
M-F 1V13 15.28 Portsmouth - Bristol Coupled 705
SO 1O51 07.30 Bristol - Portsmouth
SO 1V10 12.03 Portsmouth - Cardiff Coupled 701
SO 1O65 16.38 Cardiff - Westbury* Coupled 701
* 701 continues to Portsmouth
Set 708 (Cross-Country set)
SO 1O61 12.38 Cardiff - Portsmouth Coupled 706
SO 1V17 17.28 Portsmouth - Cardiff Coupled 706
Set 709 (Cross-Country set)
FO 2T02 22.45 Bristol - Cardiff
SO 1O58 10.38 Cardiff - Portsmouth Coupled 705
SO 1V13 15.28 Portsmouth - Bristol Coupled 705
Set 700 (Buffet set)
MWFO 1O50 06.10 Cardiff - Portsmouth Coupled 706
MWFO 1V09 11.00 Portsmouth - Cardiff Coupled 706
MWFO 1O65 16.36 Cardiff - Portsmouth Coupled 706 to Westbury
TThuO 1V05 07.23 Portsmouth - Cardiff
TThuO 1O61 12.36 Cardiff - Portsmouth Coupled 705
TThuO 1V17 17.28 Portsmouth - Cardiff Coupled 705
SO 1O 07.23 Portsmouth - Cardiff
SO 1O61 12.36 Cardiff - Portsmouth
SO 1V17 17.28 Portsmouth - Cardiff
Forms 700 Monday
Set 701 (Buffet set)
MWFO 1V05 07.23 Portsmouth - Cardiff
MWFO 1O61 12.36 Cardiff - Portsmouth Coupled 704
MWFO 1V17 17.28 Portsmouth - Cardiff
TThO 1O50 06.10 Cardiff - Portsmouth Coupled 706
TThO 1V09 11.00 Portsmouth - Cardiff Coupled 706
TThO 1O65 16.36 Cardiff - Portsmouth Coupled 706 to Westbury
SO 1O50 06.10 Cardiff - Portsmouth
SO 1V09 11.00 Portsmouth - Cardiff
SO 1O65 16.36 Cardiff - Portsmouth
SuO 1V09 11.15 Portsmouth - Cardiff Coupled 706
SuO 1O65 17.40 Cardiff - Portsmouth Coupled 705 & 706 to Bristol / Coupled 705
Forms 701 Monday
Set 702 (Buffet set)
M-F 1O54 08.36 Cardiff - Portsmouth Coupled 703
M-F 1V11 13.30 Portsmouth - Cardiff Coupled 703
SO 1O54 08.38 Cardiff - Portsmouth
SO 1V11 13.30 Portsmouth - Cardiff
SuO 1O 09.10 Cardiff - Portsmouth Coupled 703 / Dated 07/11/65-05/12/65 & 02/01/66-23/01/66
SuO 1O58 10.40 Cardiff - Portsmouth Coupled 703 / Dated until 31/10/65, 12/12/65-25/12/65 & from 30/01/66
SuO 1V17 17.27 Portsmouth - Cardiff Coupled 703
Forms 702 Monday
Set 703 (Non Buffet set)
M-F 1O54 08.36 Cardiff - Portsmouth Coupled 702
M-F 1V11 13.30 Portsmouth - Cardiff Coupled 702
M-F 2B28 18.36 Cardiff - Bristol
M-F 2T52 20.05 Bristol - Cardiff
SO 1O54 08.36 Cardiff - Portsmouth
SO 1V11 13.30 Portsmouth - Cardiff
SO 2B28 18.36 Cardiff - Bristol
SO 2T52 20.05 Bristol - Cardiff
SuO 1O 09.10 Cardiff - Portsmouth Coupled 702 / Dated 07/11/65-05/12/65 & 02/01/66-23/01/66
SuO 1O58 10.40 Cardiff - Portsmouth Coupled 702 / Dated until 31/10/65, 12/12/65-25/12/65 and from 30/01/66
SuO 1V17 17.17 Portsmouth - Cardiff Coupled 702
Forms 703 Monday
Set 704 (Non Buffet set)
MO 1V02 06.30 Portsmouth - Cardiff
WFO 1V02 07.32 Salisbury - Cardiff
MWFO 1O61 12.36 Cardiff - Portsmouth
MWFO 1V17 17.28 Portsmouth - Bristol
TThO 1O58 10.36 Cardiff - Portsmouth Coupled 707
TThO 1V13 15.28 Portsmouth - Bristol Coupled 707
TThO 2C53 19.55 Bristol - Salisbury
SO 1O58 10.36 Cardiff - Portsmouth
SO 1V13 15.28 Portsmouth - Bristol
SO 1O67 19.55 Bristol - Salisbury
SuO 2B20 15.35 Salisbury - Bristol
SuO 2T52 21.50 Bristol - Cardiff
Forms 705 Monday
Set 705 (Non Buffet set)
MWFO 1O58 10.36 Cardiff - Portsmouth Coupled 707
MWFO 1V13 15.28 Portsmouth - Bristol Coupled 707
MWFO 2C53 19.55 Bristol - Salisbury
TThO 1V02 07.32 Salisbury - Cardiff
TThO 1O61 12.36 Cardiff - Portsmouth Coupled 700
TThO 1V17 17.28 Portsmouth - Cardiff Coupled 700
SO 1V02 07.32 Salisbury - Cardiff
SO 1O61 12.36 Cardiff - Portsmouth
SO 1V17 17.28 Portsmouth - Cardiff
SuO 1O65 17.40 Cardiff - Bristol* Coupled 701 / 706
SuO 1O67 19.55 Bristol - Portsmouth
* Train continues to Portsmouth
Forms 704 Monday
Set 706 (Cross-Country set)
T-F 1O50 06.10 Cardiff - Portsmouth Coupled 700 WFO / 701 TThO
M-F 1V09 11.00 Portsmouth - Cardiff Coupled 701 MWFO / 702 TThO
M-F 1O65 16.36 Cardiff - Westbury*
M-F 2B20 21.21 Westbury - Bristol 19.43 ex-Weymouth
M-F 2T02 22.45 Bristol - Cardiff
SO 1O51 06.10 Cardiff - Portsmouth
SO 1V09 11.00 Portsmouth - Cardiff
SO 1O65 16.36 Cardiff-Portsmouth
SuO 1V09 11.15 Portsmouth - Cardiff Coupled 701
SuO 1O65 17.40 Cardiff - Portsmouth Coupled 701 & 705 to Bristol / Coupled 701
* Train continues to Portsmouth
Forms 706 Monday
Set 707 (Cross-Country set)
M-F 2F94 07.30 Bristol – Cardiff To Carmarthen
M-F 1O58 10.36 Cardiff - Portsmouth Coupled 705 MWFO / 704 TThO
M-F 1V13 15.28 Portsmouth - Bristol
SO 2F92 07.30 Bristol - Cardiff To Swansea
SO 1O58 10.36 Cardiff - Portsmouth
SO 1V13 15.28 Portsmouth - Bristol
Forms 707 Monday
Set 700 (Buffet set)
MWFO 1O50 06.10 Cardiff - Portsmouth Coupled
MWFO 1V09 11.00 Portsmouth - Cardiff Coupled
MWFO 1O65 16.36 Cardiff - Portsmouth Coupled
TThO 1V05 07.23 Portsmouth - Cardiff
TThO 1O61 12.36 Cardiff - Portsmouth Coupled
TThO 1V17 17.28 Portsmouth - Cardiff Coupled
SO a 1V05 07.23 Portsmouth - Cardiff
SO a 1O61 12.36 Cardiff - Portsmouth Coupled
SO a 1V17 17.28 Portsmouth - Cardiff Coupled
SO b 1V07 09.28 Portsmouth - Cardiff
SO b 1O63 14.38 Cardiff - Weymouth
SO b 2B20 19.43 Weymouth - Cardiff
SuO b 2T52 12.45 Bristol - Cardiff
SuO b 2B28 14.55 Cardiff - Bristol
SuO b 2T02 19.30 Bristol - Cardiff
Forms 700 Monday
Set 701 (Buffet set)
MWFO 1V05 07.23 Portsmouth - Cardiff
MWFO 1O61 12.36 Cardiff - Portsmouth Coupled
MWFO 1V17 17.28 Portsmouth - Cardiff
TThO 1O50 06.10 Cardiff - Portsmouth Coupled
TThO 1V09 11.00 Portsmouth - Cardiff Coupled
TThO 1O65 16.36 Cardiff - Portsmouth Coupled
SO 1O50 06.10 Cardiff - Portsmouth
SO a 1V09 11.00 Portsmouth - Cardiff
SO a 1O65 16.36 Cardiff - Portsmouth
SO b 1V10 12.03 Portsmouth - Cardiff
SO b 1O65 16.36 Cardiff - Portsmouth
SuO 1V09 11.15 Portsmouth - Cardiff
SuO 1O65 17.40 Cardiff - Portsmouth
Forms 701 Monday
Set 702 (Buffet set)
M-F 1O54 08.36 Cardiff - Portsmouth Coupled
M-F 1V11 13.30 Portsmouth - Cardiff Coupled
SO a 1O54 08.36 Cardiff - Portsmouth
SO a 1V11 13.30 Portsmouth - Cardiff
SO b 1O54 08.38 Cardiff - Portsmouth
SO b 1V11 13.08 Portsmouth - Cardiff
SuO 09.10 Cardiff - Portsmouth Coupled / Dated 06/11/66-04/12/66 & 01/01/67-12/02/67
SuO 1O58 10.40 Cardiff - Portsmouth Coupled / Dated until 30/10/66, 11/12/66-18/12/65 and from 19/02/67
SuO 17.27 Portsmouth - Cardiff Coupled
Forms 702 Monday
Set 703 (Non Buffet set)
M-F 1O54 08.36 Cardiff - Portsmouth Coupled
M-F 1V11 13.30 Portsmouth - Cardiff Coupled
M-F 2B28 18.36 Cardiff - Bristol
M-F 2T52 20.05 Bristol - Cardiff
SO a 1O54 08.36 Cardiff - Portsmouth
SO a 1V11 13.30 Portsmouth - Cardiff
SO a 2B28 18.36 Cardiff - Bristol
SO a 2T52 20.05 Bristol - Cardiff
SO b 1O54 08.38 Cardiff - Portsmouth
SO b 1V11 13.08 Portsmouth - Cardiff
SO b 18.36 Cardiff - Portsmouth
SO b 2T02 22.45 Bristol - Cardiff
SuO 09.10 Cardiff - Portsmouth Coupled / Dated 06/11/66-04/12/66 & 01/01/66-12/02/67
SuO 1O58 10.40 Cardiff - Portsmouth Coupled / Dated until 30/10/66, 11/12/66-18/12/66 and from 19/02/67
SuO 1V17 17.27 Portsmouth - Cardiff Coupled
Forms 703 Monday
Set 704 (Non Buffet set)
MO 1V02 06.03 Portsmouth - Cardiff
WFO 1V02 07.32 Salisbury - Cardiff
MWFO 1O61 12.36 Cardiff - Portsmouth
MWFO 1V17 17.28 Portsmouth - Cardiff
TThO 1O58 10.36 Cardiff - Portsmouth
TThO 1V13 15.28 Portsmouth - Bristol
TThO 2C53 19.55 Bristol - Salisbury
SO a 1O58 10.36 Cardiff - Portsmouth
SO 1V13 15.28 Portsmouth - Bristol
SO 2C53 19.55 Bristol - Salisbury
SO b 1O58 10.38 Cardiff - Portsmouth
SO 1V13 15.28 Portsmouth - Bristol
SO 2C53 19.55 Bristol - Salisbury
SuO 2B20 15.35 Salisbury - Bristol
SuO 2T52 21.50 Bristol - Cardiff
Forms 705 Monday
Set 705 (Non Buffet set)
MWFO 1O58 10.36 Cardiff - Portsmouth Coupled
MWFO 1V13 15.28 Portsmouth - Cardiff Coupled
MWFO 2C53 19.55 Bristol - Salisbury
TThO 1V02 07.32 Salisbury - Cardiff
TThO 1O61 12.36 Cardiff - Portsmouth Coupled
TThO 1V17 17.28 Portsmouth - Cardiff Coupled
SO 1V02 07.32 Salisbury - Cardiff
SO a 1O61 12.36 Cardiff - Portsmouth
SO b 1O61 12.38 Cardiff - Portsmouth
SO 1V17 17.28 Portsmouth - Cardiff
SuO 2B28 17.40 Cardiff - Bristol Coupled
SuO 1O67 19.55 Bristol - Portsmouth
Forms 704 Monday
Set 706 (Non Buffet set)
M-F 2F92 07.30 Bristol – Cardiff To Swansea
M-F 1O58 10.36 Cardiff - Portsmouth
M-F 1V13 15.28 Portsmouth - Bristol
FO 2T02 22.45 Bristol - Cardiff
SO a 2F92 07.30 Bristol – Cardiff To Swansea
SO a 1O58 10.36 Cardiff - Portsmouth
SO b 1O58 10.38 Cardiff-Portsmouth
SO 1V13 15.28 Portsmouth - Bristol
Forms 706 Monday
Set 707 (Cross-Country set)
MO 1V05 07.23 Portsmouth - Cardiff
TThO 1O50 06.10 Cardiff - Portsmouth
TThO 1V09 11.00 Portsmouth - Cardiff
MThO 1O65 16.36 Cardiff - Westbury
MThO 2B20 21.21 Westbury - Bristol 19.43 from Weymouth
MThO 2T02 22.45 Bristol - Cardiff
FO 1O50 06.10 Cardiff - Portsmouth
FO 1V09 11.00 Portsmouth - Cardiff
FO a 1O65 16.36 Cardiff - Westbury
FO a 2B20 21.21 Westbury - Bristol 19.43 from Weymouth
FO a 2T02 22.45 Bristol - Cardiff
FO b 1O65 16.36 Cardiff - Portsmouth
SO a 1O50 06.10 Cardiff - Portsmouth
SO a 1V09 11.00 Portsmouth - Cardiff
SO a 1O65 16.36 Cardiff - Portsmouth
SO b 1V07 09.28 Portsmouth - Cardiff
SO b 1O63 14.38 Cardiff - Weymouth
SO b 2B20 19.43 Weymouth - Bristol
SuO a 1V09 11.15 Portsmouth - Cardiff
SuO a 1O65 17.40 Cardiff - Portsmouth
Forms 707 Monday a; local work SO b
Set 708 (Cross-Country set)
M-F b Local working
SO b 1O50 06.10 Cardiff - Portsmouth
SO b 1V10 12.03 Portsmouth - Cardiff
SO b 1O65 16.38 Cardiff - Portsmouth
SuO b 1V09 11.15 Portsmouth - Cardiff
SuO b 1O65 17.40 Cardiff - Portsmouth
Forms 707 Monday b
Set 709 (Cross-Country set)
M-F b Local working
SO b 1O61 12.30 Cardiff - Portsmouth
SO b 1V17 17.28 Portsmouth - Cardiff
Green DMU with yellow gangway departing station platform

After June 1965 most of the workings were between Cardiff, Portsmouth and Bristol, with the odd turns to places like Weymouth and Salisbury. The image shows a set in third-rail territory, departing from Portsmouth & Southsea (High Level) towards Harbour station in 1965. Steve Davies Collection.

In 1965 some vehicles (52098 / 59825 / 59829 / 52094) sustained what appears to be side-swipe damage, although details of the cause is unknown. They were noted awaiting repair in Swindon Works on June 14th.


In July 1967 the British Railways Board approved practical testing of a Rolls-Royce Dart gas-turbine engine on a Class 123. The engine and transmission were to be supplied at Rolls-Royce expense. This class was selected because of its B4 bogies, although it was mentioned that when ready in early 1968 that it would not run at speeds higher than 100 mph. No further information can be traced on this, so we assume that the project was abandoned at an early stage.

The Reading Years 1968 - 1976

Displacement saw them transferred from Cardiff to Reading depot in early 1968 for working "outer-suburban" services out of Paddington to Oxford and Newbury. The first five vehicles moved in February, the rest followed in April.

From the summer 1968 timetable on May 6th three rakes (each with two four-cars) took over peak hour services which had previously been loco-hauled:
06:17 Reading - Newbury
07:02 Newburry - Paddington
07:45 Henley-on-Thames - Paddington
08:12 Henley-on-Thames - Paddington
09:03 Paddington - Southall (where the formation remained till 16:42)
08:41 Paddington - Oxford
11:18 Paddington - Didcot
11:35 Oxford - Paddington
13:07 Paddington - Southall (where the formation remained till 17:21)
14:25 Paddington - Oxford
16:06 Paddington - Reading
17:08 Reading - Paddington
17:18 Paddington - Henley-on-Thames)
17:55 Paddington - Hungerford
18:18 Paddington - Henley-on-Thames
19:25 Hungerford - Reading

The three sets worked back to Reading each night. The following week, from the 13th, the 08:12 ex-Henley-on-Thames and the 18:18 to Henley-on-Thames would normally become a ten-car formation. To give extra space to stable the sets at Reading Triangle Sidings three additional roads were added, each being able to hold two four-car sets, with alterations being made to the layout near the fuelling point.

Blue Grey DMU in station

Set numbers were allocated to the ten sets, but did not remain static:
506 / L701 : 52086 + 59236 + 59818 + 52101
507 / L702 : 52087 + 59235 + 59820 + 52103
508 / L703 : 52088 + 59819 + 59822 + 52099
509 / L704 : 52089 + 59827 + 59832 + 52104 *
510 / L705 : 52090 + 59239 + 59826 + 52100
511 / L706 : 52091 + 59823 + 59829 + 52098 *
512 / L707 : 52092 + 59238 + 59830 + 52097 *
513 / L708 : 52093 + 59825 + 59828 + 52105 *
514 / L709 : 52094 + 59821 + 59824 + 52102
525 / L710 : 52095 + 59237 + 59831 + 52096 *
* buffet car sets[1]

The image shows a four-car set at Newbury, circa late 1960s. Graham Clark.

Rick Squirrell: "Upon transfer from Cardiff to London (Reading) they soon became L701 - L710 (many years later that series was re-used for class 104 sets running from Old Oak Common ). While on the Western Region the sets stayed more or less in correct formation which was:
511 / L701 : 52086 + 59818 + 59235 + 52096
512 / L702 : 52087 + 59819 + 59236 + 52097
513 / L703 : 52088 + 59820 + 59237 + 52098
514 / L704 : 52089 + 59821 + 59238 + 52099
515 / L705 : 52090 + 59822 + 59239 + 52100
516 / L706 : 52091 + 59823 + 59828 + 52101
517 / L707 : 52092 + 59824 + 59829 + 52102
518 / L708 : 52093 + 59825 + 59830 + 52103
519 / L709 : 52094 + 59826 + 59831 + 52104
520 / L710 : 52095 + 59827 + 59832 + 52105"

Rick adds: "These units carried bodyside destination boards for a few years - a feature of WR loco-hauled expresses at the time. Clearly they wanted the DMU sets to look like and have the same feel as their hydraulic-hauled expresses! A yellow board (about 18" square) was clipped to the lower panels midway along each driving car (not the trailers so far as I recall) with black lettering proclaiming PADDINGTON OXFORD or PADDINGTON NEWBURY with one name above the other. Special clips were fitted to the bodysides for these boards which were later removed. Pictures of them in service with those boards seem to be rather elusive however!"

Buffets No More

The five buffet cars were put into store at Old Oak Common in April 1970 and would be withdrawn that August. Two saw further use, 59828 becoming a departmental mess van, 59831 was converted to run in a Class 309 EMU set after accident damage left set 309 616 without a griddle car. Renumbered 69108, it was withdrawn again in April 1981 after it too received accident damage.

Rick Squirrell: "Upon withdrawal of the buffet cars L706 - L710 lost 59828 - 59832 to become 3-car sets. It was not uncommon to see odd cars coupled with a complete set to form a train of the required length. I have records of two 3-car sets coupled, of a 4-car coupled with two coaches from another to form a 6-car, and of two three-cars units plus two cars from a 4-car unit coupled between them to form an eight car train. Another formation noted was two 3-cars coupled with an odd driving motor (DMSK) to form a seven car train. But despite these oddities the sets tended to stay correct and were remarshalled correctly after being split."

In 1970 there was a Saturdays Only 08:50 Paddington-Minehead service, on which could be found a ten-car formation, such as on 18 July 1970 (a 3-car, 4-car and another 3-car)[2].

On April 12, 1971 (Easter Monday) 52101+59818+59236+52086 / 52088+59819+52099 / 52095+59822+52096 formed a 09:05 Paddington - Plymouth footex (Fulham v Plymouth), returning from Plymouth at 18:15, the headcode was 1Z35 in both directions.

Blue grey DMU on railtour

On 16th April 1972 set L713 (W52093 + W59237 + W59821 + W52105) worked the Locomotive Club of Great Britain 'The Somerset Quarryman' railtour. Starting in Paddington the stops included Swindon Town, Radstock West, Frome, Cranmore, Merehead Quarry, Witham, Yeovil Junction, Andover Junction and Ludgershall (pictured). John Law.

Blue grey DMU passing bridge

The next image shows a set at Paddington on September 5th 1972. John Reddyhoff.

On Saturday 8th June 1974 a 1Z15 08.35 Paddington - Exeter working was noted formed of a 10-car formation consisting of:-
L715 W52095+59822+52096
L709 W52104+59827+52089
L712 W52092+59820+59238+52097

Rick Squirrell: "One of the less common (and less popular) workings was the evening Paddington - Bourne End train which should have been 8-car Inter City stock, 7 after the buffet was withdrawn, but was very often a 4-car 123 coupled with a 3-car 117. I have noted this on one occasion formed of 3-car 123, a Class 121 bubble car and a 3-car 117."

The Cardiff Years Part Two 1976 - 1978

DMU in station seen from low vantage point

On February 28th, 1976 the remaining 35 vehicles were transferred back to Cardiff Canton depot. There some received C prefixes to the set numbers, and they would work secondary services from South Wales such as to Bristol.

Beginning May 3 1976 they took over the remaining loco-hauled passenger duties on the Cardiff Central-Crewe line[3]. The image is a London Midland Region publicity photograph showing two sets at Whitchurch.

Circa mid-1976 the sets were listed as:[4]
C706 52086 59818 52101
C707 52087 59826 52103
C708 52088 59819 52099
C709 52089 59827 52104
C710 52090 59825 52100
C711 52091 59823 52098
C712 52092 59820 52097
C713 52093 59821 52105
C714 52094 59824 52102
C715 52095 59822 52096
Trailer seconds 59235-9 were in store.

It was thought that the higher power of these sets would aid punctuality on this Western Region North and West Border Counties route from South Wales via Hereford and Shrewsbury as they would be able to make up time after the common delays of waiting for scheduled connections a the various junctions on the route[5]. They shared the duties with the Cross-Country Class 120s which had dominated the services for the past few years[6].

By July locos were noted on some of these Cardiff-Crewe services[7]. By December most trains had revered to being loco-hauled using four Mk1s and various types of locomotives[8].

DMU with yellow end in siding

Sixteen vehicles were placed into store in December 1976, and a further three in January 1977. Storage was at Canton and Barry.

In the image C712 is one of many Class 123 sets seen at Cardiff Canton depot on the 12th February 1977. 52097 is nearest the camera. Jerry Glover.

DMS 52101 would be the first power car to be withdrawn, from Cardiff circa May 1977. It had beed noted in Swindon Works earlier in the year, along with TCK 59818, (both from set C706) the power car having suffered fire damage. At the start of 1977 just C708, C712 and C713 remained in use, mainly on services from Cardiff to Cheltenham.[9] In March C708 was noted at the Derby Research Centre, with 711 brought from store to take its place, although it was soon out of action with a gearbox failure.[10]

The Hull Years 1977 - 1984

In April 1977 the Eastern Region Chief Passenger Manager saw the opportunity to improve the level of comfort on his Trans-Pennine services by integrating the Class 123s with the Class 124s and approached the regional CM&EE. At the time there was a rolling stock rationalisation going on, and this would concentrate the two similarly engined classes in one place.

Agreement was reached in May 1977 and on the 3rd June (with a transfer date of 5th June) the first three-car set, W52092 + W59820 + W52097 (712) arrived at Hull Botanic Gardens where the Class 124s were based. Two more three-car sets would arrive the next week (711 on the 15th, 713 on the 16th). The Eastern Region seemed to prefer the Trailer Composites (compartment stock) for centre cars, which these first three sets had.

At this time sets 707/9/14/5 and 52086 from set 706 remained in store at Ninian Park Sidings at Cardiff, while set 710 was under repair. The five Trailer Seconds (open stock) were also transferred from Canton to the Eastern Region in June 1977, four (59235-8) arriving at Hull on 22nd June and 59239 on 27th June.[10] They would be placed in store at Lincoln. Set 708 remained listed as stored at the Derby RTC until April 1978.

It was thought that Hull would use five sets in traffic, the remainder to be used as a source of spares.

That year saw the last of the through Hull to Liverpool workings, and the sets settled in to working the "South Trans-Pennine" route from Hull - Doncaster - Sheffield - Manchester, and occasionally to Leeds.

Blue grey DMU under electrification wires

The image shows a set at Manchester Piccadilly in 1978. Botanic Gardens did not use set numbers, and their former Cardiff / Reading set numbers would be left on the power cars, C708 in this case. Malcolm Clements.

Twelve four-car diagrams were subsequently introduced, and although resisted initially, the classes were mixed as required to form Class 123 / 124 hybrid sets.

No more vehicles arrived at Hull in 1977, but throughout 1978 there were many moves and re-instatements from store, and by the 1st January 1979 Botanic Gardens had thirty-one Class 123 vehicles listed as available for traffic. Six of the type had been withdrawn to date (five buffets and one power car) and the other three were in store at Lincoln and Botanic Gardens. One of these (power car 52086) was withdrawn in April 1979, the other two would be re-instated in May 1979, the last allocation changes until 1984.

Allistair Taylor was an electrician at Hull BG whilst the Trans-Pennines and the 123s where based there, and recalls: "When the 123 units came to Hull they quickly became know as Mini-Pennines. An attempt was made to keep them in sets, but due to the high mileage's they began to cover it became nigh impossible to keep them that way, mainly due to engine and gear box troubles. So they soon became a common fleet with some very odd combinations (DMBS, TFK, MBSL, DMBS) and one occasion of no first class. At one period a set of trailer cars was made up with a BG for a brake and used on Hull - Goole services."

The image shows set E52090 + E59819 + E59838 + E52096 at Morecombe Promenade on the 27th August 1982 after arriving from Leeds. Robert Frise.

The Final Year - 1984

All the remaining (thirty-three) Class 123 vehicles were withdrawn in 1984, a handful between February to April, most in May, the final eight (all DMSKs) in August.

In May 1984 the Trans-Pennine services went over to loco-hauled trains, meaning withdrawal of the DMUs. On the 4th May E52089 was the last vehicle to undergo an engine/gearbox change, only ten days before scheduled withdrawal. E52098 and E52100 were the two power cars on the last booked working on the 13th, however the final working was E52090 and E52096 on an additional booking, the 06.35 Cleethorpes to Doncaster on Monday 14th May.

Blue grey Class 123 DMU

52088 is closest in the image showing a four-car set at Doncaster on 20th April 1984. Andy Cole.

Allistair Taylor: "Upon withdrawal in May, nine two-car sets where made up to cover for the "wonderful" 141s. This comprised the remaining 123 DMBSs and a 124 DMC, which if memory serves had been de-classified. The units where kept at BG for a while and some where moved to Hull Dairycoates until around October 1984. They were then moved to Darnel to join many other units that were under going component recovery."

The recovered engines were sent to Bletchley for use on the Marylebone Class 115s.


  1. p265 July 1968 Railway Observer
  2. Photo by Hugh Ballantyne, p64 "The Heyday of the DMU" by Alan Butcher (Ian Allan, 1994)
  3. Traffic Report, p203 May 1976 "Modern Railways" (Ian Allan)
  4. The Coaching Stock of British Railways 1976, P Mallaband & LJ Bowles, RCTS
  5. Western Region news, p283 July 1976 "Modern Railways" (Ian Allan)
  6. Traffic and Traction, p435 August 1976 "Railway Magazine"
  7. Traffic Report, p370 September 1976 "Modern Railways" (Ian Allan)
  8. Traffic Report, p78 February 1977 "Modern Railways" (Ian Allan)
  9. p138, April 1977 Railway Observer
  10. a b p285, August 1977 Railway Observer

The Railway Observer is the journal of the Railway Correspondence and Travel Society