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Vehicle: 55000
55000 at Exeter St. Davids on 14/9/91, attached to other vehicles. Hamish Stevenson.
Vehicle: 51107 Set: P588
Exeter St. Davids, with 51107 closest in set P588, presumably with 59437 + 51079. April 1975. Robert Frise Collection.
Vehicle: 53204 Set: 826
P826, still carrying it's ex-Norwich set number 60 in the cab window, with 53204 and presumably 59380 behind at Exeter St. Davids 17/7/91. Later to be found in 101680. Mac Winfield.
Vehicle: 51317 Set: P460
A Class 118, P460 (presumably 51317 + 59469 + 51302), at Exeter St Davids in July 1983. Andrew McConnell.
Vehicle: 51410 Set: B430
GWR liveried B430 (51410 + 59520 + 51368) seen at Exeter St David's with the 11:17 to Exmouth on Wednesday 7th August 1985. Mel Holley.
Vehicle: 51302 Set: P460
Set P460 (51302 + 59469 + 51317) at Exeter St. Davids on 5th February 1985. The promotional British Telecom livery had a press launch in the station the next day. Neil Cannon.
Vehicle: 53223 Set: 826
The 14:07 Barnstaple - Exmouth - worked by Class 101 set 826 with DMBS 53223 closest - is seen at Exeter St Davids on the 31st August 1988. Hamish Stevenson.
Vehicle: 51246 Set: 825
51246 + 59539 + 53165 at Exeter St Davids, July 2 1990. Nicholas Youngman.
Vehicle: 975023
Class 122 975023 was converted from 55001 for route learning duties and is seen at Exeter St Davids on 28.06.1979 in all over BR blue livery. Andy Cole.
Vehicle: 51317 Set: P460
Class 118 DMU W51317 (with 59469 + 51302) at Exeter St Davids with a Barnstaple working. Undated, but it appeared in this livery in 1985. Stuart Pearce.
Vehicle: 51522
51522 at Exeter St Davids, date unknown. Peter Heppenstall.
Vehicle: 55005 Set: 105
Class 122 55005, set number 105, is seen at Exeter St Davids in BR blue and grey livery on 19.07.1990. Andy Cole.
Vehicle: 51219 Set: 875
Set 875 is a Class 101 (51219) / Class 108 hybrid when seen in Exeter St Davids on August 13, 1990. John Carter.
Vehicle: 52047 Set: 954
Class 108 set 954 arrives into Exeter St Davids on the 13th August, 1990, formed of 51932 and 52047. John Carter.
Vehicle: 53639 Set: 871
Exeter St Davids on the 13th August 1990 contains Class 108s 51933 (left) and 53639 (right). John Carter.
Vehicle: 51344 Set: 709
Class 117s in Exeter St Davids yard in 1997. Closest is presumably set 709 with 51344 closest. GWR liveried DMBS 51368 is at the far end. John Law.
Set: P800
Exeter St Davids Devon 4th January 1975. As my train is departing westwards from the platform on the engine shed side at Exeter St Davids station we get a glimpse of the Great Western engine shed. The shed has been partially demolished but some of the stone buildings remain and a scattering of diesels are in residence. On the right is Class 101 DMU set P800 (presumably 51445 + 59549 + 51515) in blue livery. Pete LG99.
A Class 108 and various other types of rolling stock in Exeter St Davids TMD in 1992. John Law.
142 015 and a Class 118 DMU at Exeter St Davids (at 12:30) on Saturday 12th October 1985. Colin Brooks.
Vehicle: 51530 Set: 870
Exeter St David's on 24th May 1991. On the right is set P870, 51530 closest. On the left 37 010 is hauling a failed Class 108 on 2B83, the 1746 ex-Barnstaple which terminated there. John Simmonds.
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Exeter St Davids