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Class 100 DB 975349 is seen stabled at Doncaster. This was renumbered from 51116, and was used in route learning and inspection workings. Andy Cole.
Class 100 Gloucester DMBS 53355 + Class 105 Cravens DMCL 53812 twin stored in Crewe carriage shed sidings 22-7-89ish. The set was stored at this time pending preservation by the NRM but was vandalised and not thought worth saving. A fraction of Class 104 DMCL 53500 is seen on the left, this car stored 31/3/89 and withdrawn 17/5/89. On Tour With the Class 13 Army.
The 'Stourton Saloon' 975637 + 975664 at Cambridge on the 7th August 1989. On the left is Cravens 977126 facing Met-Camm 53233. Mike Cooper.
ADB977191, 915 M55975 + M55985, M55969+M55968, 914 M55980 + M55984 and 911 M55970 + M55971 at Crewe Basford Hall on 24-9-89. Kevin Dowd.
975539 / 975349 at Skipton station on 30/10/89. Michael Kaye 55A.
The drivers controls of 975539. Taken at Skipton on 30/10/89. Michael Kaye 55A.
975539 at a ceremony for the re-opening of Ribblehead Viaduct on 30/10/89. David Hills Collection.
DB975637 + DB975664, the Provincial liveried 'Stourton Saloon', is seen on the rear of a three-car Met-Camm at Saxmundham. Date unknown, they appeared in this livery circa mid-1985 and were withdrawn in May 1990. Stuart Mackay Collection.
Class 100 Inspection Saloon DB975349 (formerly E51116) and DB975539 (formerly E56101) are seen standing in platform 9 of Newcastle station in 1990. Graeme Phillips Collection.
ER Class 100 inspection unit 975349 + 975539 opposite Darlington Signal Box at 10.48 on 14 January 1990. Terry Bye.
Class 100 975349 + 975539 is seen stabled at Doncaster Station on 20.05.1990. Andy Cole.
TDB975349 + TDB975539 at Doncaster on 9 April 1990. 975349 had started its departmental career with the Civil Engineers department in 1974 paired with TDB975348 (ex 51115) but in 1975 it was split up as 51115 reverted to capital stock and the remaining vehicle was paired in 1976 with TDB 975539 (ex 56101) converted to a managers saloon in late 1975. It ended its days allocated to Cambridge Depot being withdrawn in 1992. It went for scrap at M.C. Metals in Glasgow and was cut up in August 1993. Adrian Nicholls.
DB975539 at Leeds on 17-05-1990. John Carter.
DB975349 + DB975539 stabled at Doncaster on May 19 1990. John Carter.
975349 stabled in Doncaster station on the 20th May 1990 with 975539 behind. S Gaskell.
975539 stabled in Doncaster station on the 20th May 1990, with 975349 to its right. S Gaskell.
DB 975349 seen at Doncaster on the 26th May 1990. Paul Moxon.
975539 / 975349 at Doncaster on 26/5/90. Paul Moxon.
The Provincial liveried Class 100 975637 + 975664 stored at Trumpington, Cambridge, awaiting disposal. 27 May 1990. Joint Line.
Gloucester Class 100 DMBS M53355 and Cravens Class 105 DTS M53812 await their final journey to the scrap yard in the sidings south of Crewe Carriage shed. The date of the photo is either 18th or 19th July 1990. Paul James.