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Class 103 DMU images

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103 DMU

14th August 1982

Set: CR218

A two-car Class 103 and a two-car Class 101 DMU arrives at RHyl on 14 August 1982. Set CR218 / M50409 leads. Brian Daniels.

103 DMU

4th September 1982

M50405 is the DMBS in this set at Crewe on Saturday 4th September 1982. Robert Tarling.

103 DMU

8th October 1982

An unexpected sighting during my second visit to Ingatestone on the GE main line to Norwich was this Park Royal departmental dmu numbered DB75090 + DB75089 which passed through northbound at 10.50 on Friday October 8th 1982. Gerard Fletcher.

103 DMU

21st October 1982

Chester depot, Right to Left; Class 103 DTCL 56164, Class 108, Swindon Class 120 DMBC 50739 21-10-82. On Tour With the Class 13 Army.

103 DMU

21st October 1982

Class 103 Park Royal car, DMBS 50402 without it's partner on Chester depot 21-10-82. The end of Class 120 Trailer Second Buffet 59296 on the left of the frame. On Tour With the Class 13 Army.

103 DMU

26th October 1982

The RTC Class 103 975089 / 975090 103 is seen at Nuneaton in RTC livery on 26.10.1982. Note the front former headcode box has been plated over. Andy Cole.

103 DMU

Unknown Date

975089 with its partner 975090 (ex-DTC 56162), at Avenue, Chesterfield. Undated. Paul Moxon.

103 DMU

circa early 1980s

An electric-hauled service passes Wigan Springs Branch depot where Class 103 Sandite vehicle 977047 (and the rear of 977051) can be seen. Circa early 1980s. Mark Etstall.

103 DMU

12th January 1983

Class 103 Park Royal 2-car DMU 50409 + 56152 (DMBS + DTCL) stabled on Chester depot, Class 108 DMBS 50941 on the right, 12-1-83. On Tour With the Class 13 Army.

103 DMU

12th January 1983

Class 103 Park Royal DTCL 56152 and a Class 108 driving vehicle, Chester MPD on 12-1-83. On Tour With the Class 13 Army.

103 DMU

30th March 1983

Class 103 975090 is seen passing Saltley in RTC livery with it's long time partner 975089 on 30.03.1983. Note it still retains it's former headcode box. Andy Cole.

103 DMU

27th May 1983

Class 103 Park Royal 2-car DMU 50395 + 56165 boarded up and ready for the scrap man, Tyseley 27-5-83. On the left is Class 116 TC 59028, and the boarded up refurbished car at the far end is also probably a Class 116. On Tour With the Class 13 Army.

103 DMU

23rd June 1983

A Class 103 and 101 crossing the Barmouth Bridge on the 23rd June 1983. Steve Davies Collection.

103 DMU

August 1983

The RTC Class 103 set 975089/975090 passes through Melton Mowbray in August 1983. Mel Smith.

103 DMU

October 1983

Seen through the doors at the north end of Springs Branch maintenance shed is the former gangway end of Class 103 sandite vehicle 977047, October 1983. S Gaskell.

103 DMU

11th October 1983

Class 103 Park Royal DTCL 56161 boarded up, 40-012 on right, Carlisle Kingmoor 11-10-83. On the left is a Swindon-built DMU vehicle. On Tour With the Class 13 Army.

103 DMU

Unknown Date

The RTC Class 103 (975089 + 975090) at Eastleigh, date unknown. Mike Bunker.

103 DMU

Unknown Date

Departmental Class 103 975089 in the sidings at Derby Etches Park, date unknown. Note the EMU outside the RTC in the background. Mike Bunker.

103 DMU

January 1984

At Springs Branch on the left the distinctive Class 103 design of sandite vehicle 977047 can be seen, while on the right 40001 is at the far end of the former steam shed buffered with another class 40. A smart looking 08688 with gold painted numbers on the buffer beam takes centre stage. January 1984 S Gaskell.

103 DMU

January 1984

On the left at Springs Branch in this January 1984 view is HAA hopper 355655, damaged the previous year in the Bickershaw coal train derailment. The four branch shunters include 08691 nearest and 08688 at the far end. On the right is Class 103 sandite 977047. S Gaskell.

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