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51898 + 59674 + 59651 + 51668 are seen at Quainton Road on 3/5/82 on Quaintonian duties. Robert Frise.
51680 leads 59652 - 59673 - 51666 into Quainton Road station while working the Quaintonian from Aylesbury on 31/5/82. Robert Frise.
The Quaintonian contains 51666 - 59673 - 59652 and 51680 in this view at Quainton Road on 31/5/82. Robert Frise.
51680 + 59652 + 59673 + 51666 at Quainton Road in 31/5/82 working the Quaintonian shuttle to Aylesbury. Robert Frise.
Two Class 115s, M51661 closest, on an excursion working in Leicester station. The slide process date was June 1982. Stuart Mackay Collection.
A Class 115 DMU with M51869 closest on a special working in Leicester station. The slide process date was June 1982. Stuart Mackay Collection.
Class 115 DMBS M51869 on a special working in Leicester station. The slide process date was June 1982. Stuart Mackay Collection.
Class 115 unit arriving at Bicester on an evening Marylebone to Banbury service, Saturday 7th August 1982. Iain Reid.
A Class 115 set seen at Aynho on August 21, 1982. Steve Davies Collection.
The Quaintonian arriving at Quainton Road with 51678 leading 59750, 59653 and 51677 on 30/8/82. Robert Frise.
51674, 59730, 59678 & 51865 at Marylebone on the 1st September 1982. Jerry Glover.
An unkempt class 115 dmu pollutes Marylebone station as it waits to leave with the 13.10 service to Aylesbury 30/11/1982. The station was slated for closure at one point, fortunately that did not happen and today we have the splendid refurbished terminus of the Chiltern line. The centre platforms are a parking ground for B.R engineers vans which trundled from the road, through what is now the busy station concourse, to park where the cycle storage is today. Geoff Dowling.
A Class 115 DMU in High Wycombe station one day in December 1982. Banbury is on the destination blind. Stuart Mackay Collection.
The view looking north from Aylesbury station in December 1982, with several stabled Class 115 DMUs. Kevin Lane Collection.
A Class 115 DMU in High Wycombe station in December 1982. Stuart Mackay Collection.
Class 115s in Aylesbury station in December 1982, including M59761 on the left. Stuart Mackay Collection.
A Class 115 DMU in High Wycombe station with a Marylebone service in December 1982. Stuart Mackay Collection.
51867 at the end of a Class 115 set in London Marylebone on the 12th March 1983. Chris Lings.
The Quaintonian shuttle to Quainton Road in Aylesbury station on 4 April 1983. It appears to be a six-car formation, a half set closest added to a full set. John Law.
The Quaintonian shuttle from Aylesbury arriving at Quainton Road on 4/4/83. Robert Frise.