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A Class 121 DTS (56285) and DMBS at Bourne End circa early 1980s. Stuart Mackay Collection.
Pressed Steel vehicles 56286 (L286) and 55024 (L124) leaving Windsor and Eton Central on 23 June 1979. Stuart Mackay Collection.
Class 121 driver trailer 56286 is working with bubble car 55034 when seen in Didcot station on the 25th September 1982. Jerry Glover.
Pressed Steel class 121 driving trailer W54826 and matching power car arrive at Slough from Windsor & Eton Central on 11 August 1984. Jeremy Chapter.
Class 121 DTC W56287 at Reading on 13th Nov 1976. David Mant.
W56287 + W55024 depart from Cookham circa late June 1979. Stuart Mackay Collection.
Pressed Steel Class 121 vehicles W56287 and W55028 seen at Oxford in 1981. Kevin Farrow.
The evening sun catches trailer car W54287 at Marlow as it awaits departure with the 19.15 Marlow - Bourne End on 23 April 1985. Robert28194.
Class 121 DTS 54287 is seen attached to a couple of Class 116 DMBSs - 53083 + 53820 - at Oxford circa December 1987. Malcolm Clements.
56289 and 55021 at Marlow. Date unknown. Steve Davies Collection.
56289 and 55021 at Marlow. Date unknown. Steve Davies Collection.
56289 has its tail lamp attended to at Maidenhead. Date unknown. Steve Davies Collection.
56289 and bubble car at Bourne End. Date unknown. Steve Davies Collection.
56289 at Cookham - date unknown. Steve Davies Collection.
Class 121 DTS W56289 (L289) hauled by class 121 single car W55020 (L120) make a smokey departure from Slough onto the Windsor branch, Saturday 19th February 1983 Iain Reid.
Class 121 DTS M54289 at Marlow on 25 August 1983 with an unknown Class 121 Bubble. Stuart Mackay Collection.
Class 121 Pressed Steel single dmu's 54289 + 55020, Windsor & Eton Central, Sunday 08 April 1984. Ian 10B.
Class 121 DTS W54289 is working with a two-car Class 119 set when seen in London Paddington on 7 August 1986. Colin Brooks.
Class 121 55029 stands in for a Class 117 DMBS. Seen to the north of Tackley, Reading is on the destination blind, the slide process date was May 1991. Stuart Mackay Collection.
NSE set L429 comprises a Class 121 bubble and two Class 117 vehicles (55023 and presumably 59519 + 51409) when seen at Paddington on the 17th June 1991. Mike Cooper.