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A Swindon-built DMU in Lancaster station during August 1982 with DMBSL E52088 closest. George Woods.
E52088 in Doncaster Works. Date unknown, it seems to be undergoing the work to remove the headcode boxes which dates it to circa 1983. E52071 is on the left. Paul Redmond.
Class 123 DMBSL E52088 in Hull Paragon station with a Class 124 on the left and another 123 to the right. The slide process date was April 1983. Stuart Mackay Collection.
Class 123 52088 is seen at Doncaster on 20.04.1984. This was the other end of a Class 124 Trans-Pennine unit. Andy Cole.
A Class 123 set departs from Huddersfield on June 8, 1979, with DMBS 52089 on the rear. Malcolm Clements.
A Swindon-built DMU with Inter-City Class 123 52089 nearest the camera, after arrival at Manchester Victoria with a service from Hull on 29th September 1981. David Scott.
Hybrid BR (Swindon) "Trans Pennine" Standard Mk.I Class "124" 4-car dmu formed of #52089 + E59826 + E59773 + E52103 departing Manchester (Piccadilly) on a service to Stalybridge - Huddersfield - Leeds (City), 08/82. Hugh Llewelyn.
A Swindon DMU in Manchester Piccadilly in August 1982 with Class 123 E52089 closest. Hugh Llewelyn.
Hybrid BR (Swindon) "Trans Pennine" Standard Mk.I Class "124" 4-car dmu which include former cars from BR (Swindon) Inter City Class 123 dmu's. The set is made of Nos. E52089 (IC 123/2), E59826 (IC 183), E59773 (TP 180), E52103 (IC 123/1) with plated-up headcodes and front gangway doors in BR Inter City Rail Blue & Grey livery and all yellow front ends departing Manchester (Piccadilly) on a service to Stalybridge - Huddersfield - Leeds (City), 08/82. Hugh Llewelyn.
Hybrid BR (Swindon) Trans Pennine Standard Mk.I Class 124 4-car dmu which include former cars from BR (Swindon) Inter City Class 123 dmu's. The set is made of E52089, E59826, E59773, E52103 with plated-up headcodes and front gangway doors in BR Inter City Rail Blue & Grey livery and all yellow front ends awaiting departure at Manchester (Piccadilly) on a service to Stalybridge - Huddersfield - Leeds (City), 08/82. Hugh Llewelyn.
E52089, E59826, E59773 and E52103 in the old Green Eyre platform at Lancaster Castle on the 19th August 1982. Robert Frise.
DMBSL E52089 heads a class 123/124 'hybrid' DMU with a service for Sheffield and Manchester at Brocklesby Junction, North Lincolnshire - 09/03/1983. © 2014 - 53A Models of Hull Collection. Scanned from the original 35mm monochrome negative; photographed by John Turner. 53A Models of Hull Collection.
An official image (Swindon Works negative 5CR 252) showing the two second class saloons in DMBSL 52090 on 16/2/63. Each seated just sixteen with two seating bays on each side of the aisle, the (open) sliding door divided smoking from non-smoking. British Railways.
Official image (Swindon Works negative 5CR254) of the drivers compartment in W52090 on 16th February 1963. British Railways.
Class 123 DMBSL W52090 at Oxford, circa early/mid 1970s. Brian Daniels.
Two Class 123 DMUs, L710 and presumably W52090 closest, entering Paddington on 17 June 1975. Phil Bevan.
E52090 is part of set 710 when seen at Manchester Piccadilly in 1978. Malcolm Clements.
A Swindon DMU with Class 123 E52090 closest in Doncaster station on a rainy day in 1978. The Class 114 to the right seems to be E56016. Stuart Mackay Collection.
Class 123 Swindon Inter-City set 710 in Manchester Picaddilly. Note the 1 on centre car door, and on the refurbished liveried Class 108 on the left. Date unknown, probably late 1970s. Peter Heppenstall.
A Swindon-built set on Hull Botanic Gardens diesel depot in July 1981. Closest is a Class 123 DMBS, formerly set 710, and presumably 52090. Lewis Bevan.