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2. Design of units

Improved riding of diesel rail cars

Consideration was given to the proposal of the Chief Mechanical Engineer, British Transport Commission that the bogies of vehicles having the "Derby" type of bogie should be modified having regard to public complaints arising in various parts of the country of bad riding, the preliminary estimated cost of modification being £250 per vehicle.

The Director of Traffic Service had confirmed that public complaints were being received and had recommended that the following be modified:-.

St.Pancras Suburban - 30 4-car sets = 120  vehicles
Marylebone - 35 4-car sets = 140     "
Liverpool (C.) -
 Manchester (C.)
 Express Services
-  6 4-car sets =  24     "
Crewe - Stoke -
- 10 3-car sets =  30     "
      Total 314 vehicles

On these services there was more continuous running at higher speeds.

The total estimated cost of the modifications to the 314 vehicles would be £78,500.

It was stated that the number of complaints was diminishing and after full discussion it was agreed that, in view of the extent of the complaints, an expenditure of £78,500 would be difficult to justify.  Mention was made, however, of specific complaints of bad riding on the Liverpool (C.) - Manchester (C.) Express Services and it was considered that the bogies of the 24 vehicles operating these services should be modified at a cost of £6,000 and the Chief Mechanical Engineer advised accordingly.

3. Allocation of units being built at Derby and by Contractors

Revised schedule of allocation attached as Appendix 'B'.


1. Buckingham - Banbury Service

Noted that the question of a subsidy for bus services was being dealt with by the General Manager.

2. Bedford - Hitchin - Northampton Services

Noted that the proposal for the withdrawal of the passenger service on the Bedford - Northampton line was expected to be re-submitted to the General Manager during the next fortnight.

The proposal for the withdrawal of the Bedford - Hitchin service is still proceeding, the question of parcels traffic remaining to be solved.